3d metallic trendy images

I’ve seen lots of these trendy images created in 3d and i was just wonderin how you do em. I’ve checked the useful tutorials and resources sticky, but couldn’t seem to find one.

If you don’t know the ones i’m talking about, i was thinkin of somethin like what electrongeek does. If you go to his site (electrongeek.net), then portfolio > graphics and on the last graphics tab, there are lots of metallic type textures. How do you do these in 3ds Max (a tutorial would be fine)? thanks!

He uses Cinema 4D or something like that, so i doubt you could create the exact same effect as his site :confused:

yea i’ve heard about that. But i’ve seen it done in 3ds max :-\

go to www.3dbuzz.com best tuts and they have free video training…It can be achieved with any 3d app just gotta know your materials

Yeah I believe electrongeek used C4D, but I could be wrong. I remember hearing him saying something about using splines and sweep nurbs. :wink:

*Originally posted by 3d-iva *
**go to www.3dbuzz.com best tuts and they have free video training…It can be achieved with any 3d app just gotta know your materials **

its also about knowing your modifiers too. you just gotta know your way around the proggie, then i guess it comes easyer. although i shouldnt be talking :x

so all the shiny effects are all textures? and the others are just tubes? ok maybe not that simple…but what are sweep nurbs?

I’ve never used 3dsmax before so I’m not sure if they have sweep nurbs or not. I used a sweep nurb combined with a spline and a circle spline to create the tubes.

As for the metallic texture, it’s a custom texture I created using photoshop and c4d.

ahh thank you, but i guess the textures are the hard part eh. I actually found a tutorial on this, but none of the pictures on it show up :frowning: I guess i will havta play around…