My rekindled love of 3dsmax

Look, I figured out DOF :slight_smile:

I’m so proud of myself… sniff

Depth-of-Field test


That is pretty f’n sweet. GIANT but sweet. Did you got thru a tut for that? If so send me a link. I am not very good at doing that with in max. Or did you do the blurring in ps

no, all 3dsmax! :slight_smile:

version 5 that is…

And no tut :slight_smile: Figured it out for myself :P:P:P

It’s not hard actually :slight_smile:

Cool man, that you figgr’d it yourself. You should do a tut. Believe me that is a cool effect. I have been hoppin around apps so much I forget how to use max sometimes. I would love to hear how you pulled it off.

GJ man!

Cool! I figured… wel lactually I took a tute but it’s very easy! just experiment a bit and voila! But it takes forever to render! Especially with the refraction and reflection maps! How long did you render that? I know it would take an hour for my computer! (at least 1/2h) :slight_smile:

hmm, took about a minute i think…

I don’t use refractions :slight_smile:

Just a clean reflect map with a combined backdrop (a sky), and dark gold for the text…

and a matte/shadow map for the white floor, enables invisible flooring that catches shadows :beam:


a minute?
gotta get me a new computer!:smirk:
I used just blur and a couple of lens flare effects on this pic and it rendered this one half an hour!
The Pic

Hey elsoe. if you dont mind me asking how did you get your blurs so clean I threw together a example of my d o v and I just cannot get my blur to look that clean. What are your settings camera/render.

I just used a target camera, and then added the DOF effect, picked the camera in the options, and hacked off “use camera” in the two other options.

simple as that :slight_smile:

It uses the cameras target as it’s focal point :slight_smile:

yeah I got that part the whole multi pass thing. I guess I’ll keep fiddling with the settings. I thought maybe you had a specific setting or something. Something about this particular effect i cannot get it to look as good as others. hhhhhmmmm…I guess this is like my Cryptonite.

That is great Eilsoe!

And on another note… Your 3ds Max people suck :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

<~~~ Jealous

Awwww… :slight_smile:

Us not-so-magnificent-at-AS has to have some fun otherwise… right?

LOL… yeah but I am not-so-magnificent-at-AS either… where can I have fun :frowning:

Photoshop… yeah… Photoshop beats out your 3dsmax any day!!!

~nar nar :stuck_out_tongue:

As phillyboi’d say…

I’m just waiting for lost to get 3ds Max…

Then just watch out…


anybody know where i can find some like REAL beginer tuts? or help with this question:

when i draw something. how do i get it to be visible? so like if i use a line tool, draw something, then what? like do i just extract? if so how? i have been using bevel lately but it doesnt work all theat great for anything but text. help plz!

what, like extruded?

or just visible lines?

either or.