3Dsmax Ink n' Paint Jaggies - whats goin' on!?

Yes probably, but creating a 3D model is much faster (for me). I can model razorly fast. You can rerender it from any angle, and it can be used in animations. Plus, I might want to recycle it someday for something else.

I’m almost 100% sure its a problem with the mesh. Max’s 3D text is normally made from a spline which you extrude into a 3D shape… the face of the text ends up being this really messy 100+ sided polygon. I’ve notice max’s shaders like nice neat 4 sided polygons or 3 sided triangles else you’ll can get artifacts when rendering. Those artifacts are, I think, doubly visible because the ink 'n paint material uses a falloff ramp.

There’s no quick fix for this, unless you want to use the mesh tools to cut up the face into 3 and 4 sided polygons (oh, the joy!). You could try bevelling the edges a little using the edit poly tools to get rid of the worst of it.

As I said, I’m almost 100% sure, but I don’t often use the shader so I’m only theorising.

if your really desperate for ideas, for the t-shirt, you could just brush that stuff off in Photoshop or Illustrator… sorry if i soudn stupid but just trying to give u ideas…

good thinking. what you describe seems to fit my problem perfectly when i think about my experiences with that shader. that has to be it. w/e at least now i know. thanks, i really appreciate it.

AND NOW, without further ado, the moment soulty has been waiting for:

http://www.nickpettit.com/reklistables.mov (1.4mb)

haha, that sweet dude, nice job! need that needle to drop and the turntables to start spinning… hehe… 3 days later still rendering… :wink:

nice work will you be adding music to this?

Music won’t be added to that graphic in specific. Its going on the front of a BMX video that has music running the entire time. The graphic is on the beginning part of the song where an MC and a DJ are talking about rhyme styles, etc.

that’s awesome, I’d love to see the whole video

Yup, you’re right that is pretty sick!

wow that is awesome, on the video, i didn’t even realize those little lines u want out…

bombing, the whole video is coming soon to reklisproducts.com … soon as in perhaps september. that client sometimes has a hard time getting his act together and is in no rush to do anything.

wow, that is a thing of beauty. I love that clean style.

Wow, this is the most successful thread I’ve ever posted. Thank you guys for all your help and great comments. Client comes over tomorrow to see the work, good to know he’ll be pleased.

I just decided to bite the bullet and I made all the fixes in Photoshop (for no money since it was my fault). I set up a company in QuickBooks Pro a few days ago since I’ve been getting a lot of business lately, so now that I know this could happen, I can adjust prices accordingly (and actually have set prices for that matter, isn’t that a thought).

To get rid of the jaggies with Ink n’ Paint, just slide down a little further in the Materials Editor, you’ll see the tab for Supersampling. Uncheck ‘Use Global’ and check ‘Enable Local’ the default ‘Max 2.5 Star’ will work way better than what you have. You can crank the Ink quality back down to 1 which will dramatically decrease render times. Also check the Underlap and Overlap settings. You probably don’t need both, try a couple frames with different options unchecked. You probably don’t need to ink the edges of smoothing groups either…

Brian Mennenoh
Animation Instructor
Milwaukee Area Technical College

Brian_Menn that is probably one of the first times ive seen someone’s first post be so helpful. :beam:

welcome to the forums!. :wink:

yeah, I was truly amazed as well…

nice job
:beer: :thumb:

Glad I could help. I’m about to post a link to a site I just put up. It’s kindof a resume/portfolio. Just HTML, webwork isn’t what I do, I’m a 3D guy. Anyway, check it out in the Drawing and Design forum root.
