A guide line to better kirupa Ethics

I see a bunch of people crying about other people and threads getting closed. I have a solution to this problem of Por Ethics in Kirupa.

If it’s a issue of ethics, then maybe its not the thread but the people in the thread that should be addressed. I’m mean if you can’t keep your head cool here then Why you here. Though I realize that’s not all ways the easy way to handle things. I just think “people” need to be put in there place buy the appropriate people (“Mods”, “Admins”) when out of line so that we learn to chill out and life gos on.

By leaving the thread open for all to see what happened, you show a example of what went wrong, the consequence of their actions and you still leave it open to be fix ie… may they come back and say there sorry. Mater of fact you can tell some one you have till your next post to go back in to that topic and say your sorry for all to see or, your getting a temp ban for trashing place. At the same time the person really didn’t mean it they will feel embarrass about what they did.
By keeping the threads open for all to see instead of closing them people who don’t what to embarrass them self wont knowing that this could be up for a long time

People here are all good people at their core. They just need to embarrass themselves be for they remember that.

Well that’s my 2 cents and I officially have embarrass my self :bu:
Feel free to add what you think would help others just be happier people and not let the little things get under them.