Political, opinionated or ideologistic threads?

Why are they deleted? I just wrote the an elaborate post in respose to Syous views in another thread and when I pressed submit the whole thread was gone : )

I realize the need for moderators to monitor threads for a number of things, but why such a rash “no” to all threads that cover ‘important’ aspects of life?

Not whining, just curious… :kir:

Because they end in disatser 100% of the time since no one is willing to accept anyone elses views - especially on the internet.

Sorry about that, but unfortunately that’s the law around here. My bad for even getting involved with it, but I had to take care of it.

Long ago we had a forum for debates and it got ugly. At that time Kirupa decided we wouldn’t allow such topics any more.

It’s a shame, but it’s the way it is.

Also people like whining about dumb annoying things.

But discussion is so much fun! : D

Contrary to popular belief, discussion != argument. A discussion helps you define your opinions and if need be, defend them. There’s nothing quite like being in a discussion and come to a sudden realization that you can’t really define why you have a certain opinion and there and then changing it. :love:

I agree 100% but I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them. :shrug:

It turns into argument pretty much 100% of the time, that’s the logic behind why they aren’t allowed. I’d be all for them ('cause I’m always right :lol:), but thems the rules.


NINJAS are better than PIRATES. FIGHT

: ) I guess it helps maintain a positive atmosphere between members though. If you don’t know they are nazis, there’s no reason for you to dislike them etc :smiley:

We had a tornado in Chicago tonight. Exciting ;p Off to bed!

There IS a forum for this sort of thing, but it’s not part of Kirupa.com. It’s kind of a secret. But not really. But it is by invite. Invite me to invite you.

Mac vs PC, Politics and Religion are the 3 things you just don’t discuss on the internet.

Oh and btw Ninjas are better then Pirates.

Yes debates can easily be mistaken for arguments, and can easily be turned into arguments. Oh well =/

Another day Sekasi, another day. 8)

indeed ; )

I agree with your view, and I regret times were heated discussions would make the forums a little more fun.

Having said that, there are two kind of forums, the Flash/technical bit and the reviews/critics/random. I rarely visit the former, but I believe it has kept its strength and is a very good knowledge base.

We had an entire forum for debate and such before, and it ended for good reason. Though, I do miss reading Ordered; I never actually posted there that I can remember.

I feel like all kinds of random places are having tornados. We had a tornado here as well, but I didn’t even know about it! I can’t believe I missed it…

I think its good that we all save our anger for our loved ones. Makes it much more personal! :stuck_out_tongue: