A preloader head ache question

Okay I know there is enough preloaders questions out there to give people a big head ache. But I got one more, well I tried and tried tweeking and fixing this and I dont get it. I follow the tutorial Preloader tut with %, here in Kirupa. Well here is the fla. to make it simpler. If anyone can take a look at it, I would realy appreciate it.

Thanks a bunch.

To dnload it! :slight_smile:

  1. Be careful with the following: loadbar is different than loadBar.

  2. There should be nothing except the preloader on the 1st and 2nd frames of your movie. The content will be starting on frame 3.

  3. Using components screws up the preloader. That happens because they export some stuff in the movie’s first frame. Anything exported in first frame is downloaded before anything else, even before the preloader takes action, causing a load delay before the movie starts.

If you must use components you can stop them from being exprted in the 1st frame. However, some parts (too lazy too be detailed) will still be loaded in the first frame.

So you can make it a little better.


Thanks guys, works fine!