Ace hosting site

I didnt know where to put this but I wanted to share this ace site.

Im away to get elite hosting for my site (When its done)

The premier package looks good, i like the basic package, but i dont want a subdomain. thats a really good deal though. do you know how reliable they are?

I dunno, my friend swears by them and he juggled the deal to get one to fit his exact needs. If only they did ASP.NET

do they accept american currency? i think im going to buy a plan, but im not sure how to pay…

Yeah, I would have thought they support american currency as you order by credit card.

i just sent them an email so we’ll have to wait and see. 500 MB space and 3GB bandwith with PHP and MySQL and stuff like that for 20 bucks a year is a really good deal. it costs 12 bucks to transfer my domain, but thats still only like 30 dollars.

You shouldn’t have to transfer your domain. The company you registered with should still provide the NS or they should do it for free.