Advanced Rollovers

Hi all!

Following the tutoirial below

I have managed to create a button which works with simple rollover and rollout action. But if I would like this button to change a colour and remain that colour once pressed. Is this possible and if so any ideas?


there’s no need to use tell target. Just paste the following code into the object actions of the movie clip. This is for flash 5. I don’t know about mx. Change 336699 to the hexadecimal code of your colour. If you want to make the transition animated then use gotoAndPlay(“whatever”) instead of changing colour, i hope that worked because it’s working fine for me.



if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false) and(!rolledover)) {
colour = new Color(this);



Sorry not getting this at all (I’m a bit slow), do you have a .Fla file i could look at?

… ? :stuck_out_tongue:

kax, that’s an mx file posted in the flash 5 section???
here’s the f5 fla,

and paz, why have you posted this in the AS and Flash 5 sections??

Attached is my file, i would like the button to fading in and out like they do with the file attached, but once pressed to reamin a different color.

oops… :stuck_out_tongue:

i thot the button should stay in that colour even after taking the mouse off it.

press the stupid buttons… :sigh:

My file works very differently to that. When mouse is over the box the corner of the page turns over. When removed it turns back.

But say if i wanted to make the corner stay turned up once pressed or the box change a totally different colour when pressed, how can i add to the .fla to make this work?

like this?

Wow, yes that’s it, but how does that work?

Is there tutorial about the script this uses so i can understand this procedure?