Hi, I just heard about this contest about three days ago. Unfortunately it looks like I missed the deadline for it though. I figured I’d post my entry anyways though.
It’s something I’ve had bouncin around in my head for a while, this contest finally gave me the motivation to make it. Hope you like it.
No problem; you can submit until I start the poll tomorrow. After that, no new submissions will be allowed…so you are in =)
Kirupa :rambo:
Cool, thanks!
Well good luck to all involved.
Very cool, Matt. I like it.
Yes, it is VERY good. But I do have one question… How come the second block on the second row (well technically second row, since the first row is the bottom of some blocks) doesn’t change color? All the other boxes changed color fine, but that one won’t, it just stays white.
It works fine if you use the select all option, then after you use that you can select it whenever you want and change the color.
Very cool, Matt. I like it.
Yes, it is VERY good.
wow thanks, I take those to be quite the compliments judging from your submissions. There’s a couple features I wanted to add like a randomize function, curves, a thing where the tesselations are inverted every other one, and a print option (where it sets up the frame with just the pattern); but I don’t think I’ll have the time to for a while. I guess I’ll have to come out with a 2.0 version at a later date.
How come the second block on the second row (well technically second row, since the first row is the bottom of some blocks) doesn’t change color? All the other boxes changed color fine, but that one won’t, it just stays white.
hmm… that’s strange. does the little cross appear when you click on it? It seems to be working ok when I do it. anyone else have the same problem? oh just thought of something, when you have the problem are you clicking towards the edge of the box or in the middle? thanks.
Hmm, the cross did show up and all. It works fine now, but it didn’t work at all yesterday… my comp was just being retarded I suppose (it does that sometimes).