There is a cool new mac os skinning program out thre that i got my hands on. So i tried it out, now this is what my OS looks like :thumb:
Cool eh?
There is a cool new mac os skinning program out thre that i got my hands on. So i tried it out, now this is what my OS looks like :thumb:
Cool eh?
looks like a billboard ad for …
…jk- looks nice mike
lol. Reland its a thing called shape shifter good stuff.
Thats hot, I like it a lot I miss OS X…
EDIT: I’ve just decided that I miss it enough to save up for a powerbook instead of saving for a car
now colin has his priorities in order!
I don’t have my licence yet, so what else am I going to spend my money on? Well, lets see…
thats true geekdom going for the computer over the car
colin, 15" and an ipod might be better
That looks cool Dipi! I especially like the Buddy List window!
I have to get a new mac too. +_+
Now we know your real name!
looks nice. had XP styled the same a while ago,
got rid of all the styling stuff when i reinstalled beginning of jan, just eats ressources…
I’m just replacing desktop icons and wallpaper.
dreamweaver MX04 really performs crappy on XP with styles too
this is really nice i have to say. it just runs and you dont even know it. very good set up if oyu ask me…
*Originally posted by Colin Campbell *
**Thats hot, I like it a lotI miss OS X…
EDIT: I’ve just decided that I miss it enough to save up for a powerbook instead of saving for a car **
Haha! My mom wants me to save up for a car but I keep telling her that I don’t want a car, I want a mac!
Nice, Mike, looks good.
Where can i get one of those for win2k? thx +_+
mmmmmm, milk
(kol’s site)
Sergi what for win 2k? You mean something to skin? I dont think you can skin 2k, xp only :-/
not unless you use something like windowblinds. With XP you have windowblinds or the XP theming.
you can skin 2000, just not as well
try wincustomize for some skins
windowblinds works w/ it too i think
(i’ve skinned all the way back to the days of win 98 :))
never been much into skinning windows, it was bad back before skins, got even worse after them :-/
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