Anyone worked with NameJet to get a domain name?

I’m curious about anyone’s experiences.

Nope, but I hope you win the domain name. Mostly just hope all the others are bots.

Well it’s been like 30ish hours, no one has bid since the auction started, and I’m still the high bidder by $1, so I’m crossing my fingers. Just another 40+ hours to go. :stuck_out_tongue:

Every single other person just bid the opening amount and never came back, so I think mebbe they were bots. I’m concerned about upping my proxy amount, because my understanding is that NameJet is notorious for shill bidding. I just don’t really trust it.

Quote from their “top seller” list; $127

Best domain name evar :smiley:

Oh crap I let that expire?


But you should just search it

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Hah, Kirupa’s ultra-fast Google indexing just pwned you. :lol: