What would you change about the kirupa.com home page?

Hey everyone,
So, I’m planning on modifying the kirupa.com home page a bit, and I was wondering what are some of the things that you would suggest I change about it?

I can’t guarantee I will implement all changes in the near-term, but it can give me an idea of how to structure future site updates.

One idea I had was to increase the font size of the “News Updates” forum titles, and to replace the “New Posts” area with posts from the Source/Exp forum.


Howbout some hoes??


:rap: :disco:

waits for nokrev to say to make it CSS

Ummmm, Maybe bit more colour? (-:

make it css… :wink:

[whisper]What’d you expect?[/whisper]

Maybe a style switcher (attached to the forum).

Also, some less staticyness would be nice. Everything’s static on a flash site? The only thing unstatic is the little big button thing.

Also… make the ads work. For me, I only see the big gray background with no text.

Make it more vibrant and a little less clustered.

(And for everyone: vBulletins already use a HUGE load of CSS!)

I’d love to design a skin in the near future (as my exams are goin on right now) somewhat like my own site. (Link in sig)

I think it looks awesome. Only thing I would say is make it 100% width.

Do the ads never work? Unless you have something that blocks ads, the ads should display something ‘most’ of the time. Occassionally, it will ask you to find your own ads or display a blank space when no matching ads could be found :stuck_out_tongue:

lonephoneix - I’ll try to increase the line spacing to make it less cluttered in the new design then :slight_smile:

.harish - that might work, but the issue is that the forums are heavily CSS based while the site itself isn’t…for now!

smooth - I’ll consider that maybe for a future sitewide change.

Heh… that’s a cool feature of Camino. I never knew it did that… (it does have ad-blocking and I didn’t even know it) :lol:

@thelonephenix: While it does use lots of CSS, that’s not the homepage, and it also uses many more tables. :wink:

Hey Kirupa, think you could put my name is various random spots on the home page? You’ve got your fair share of fame with Kirupa all over (or in 2 places)…


Yeah, I wouldn’t mind a few misplaced links to me. :slight_smile:

i am bored of the look of the page, may be color changes or layout change would look good?

See i’m not even selfish! I just want my name, not a link! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ohhhhh Ohhhhhh Nokrev got selfishified.

Yeah, I’ll shutup.


Anyways… try changing the bitmap font headers (“Tutorials”, “Cool Resources”, etc), as they’re rather hard to read, now.

Why not create a whole new layout in css (Keep Nokrev Happy) and suprise for may 1st reboot. :stuck_out_tongue: :kommie:

Maybe this has been covered, but I would like a link that reflects new tutorials… Like a “new tutorial posted on ##/##/##” page.

I think kirupa.com has the best tutorials, better than actionscript, tutorialzed, pixel2life, and the rest.

I just want an organized way to see the new stuff so I can get on with the tuts.

There’s an RSS feed for that :wink: