“My First Post” ** or **“The Bane of Our Existance”
(click above, fool)
“My First Post” ** or **“The Bane of Our Existance”
(click above, fool)
that seriously RULES! :thumb:
heh, thanks.
lol - that is really cool. I know lostinbeta will definitely like that :bandit:
Then I hope hes a judge! :D.
I love it
Most original.
Anyone care to do a similar one for SotW and “read the Goddarnrules”? :beam:
Now does Kirupa get royalties on that as its his design or the creator of Style blue?
as per
errr ::runs and hides::
I have no clue, if anyone did buy it they would be paying for the price of the shirt, not the graphics on it. And there would be no royalties since it’s at base price. yeaaah… ::runs more::
No, of course not I am not interested in royalties at all - just free publicity for the forums/site!
gasp:!: the truth comes out! Kirupa isn’t in it for the fun and cool shirts, he wants to use us as walking talking advertisements. We are pawns in the Kirupa chess set, we exist only to further his plans for world domination. We must resist at all costs fellow kirupians, his diabolical ways end here! Boycott the contest! Hey, that gives me another shirt idea. :thumb:
See, it’s now I turn ultra evil and sue you for copyright infringement, for using MY SMILIE!!
but I won’t, that’s not fair… kinda… :bad:
:A+: on the smiley its my fav (even though I never use it.)
Thank you for not suing me for all I’m worth.
hmm… instead of suing… Mayeb I should just demand a few weeks of non-stop buttkissing!
Best. Post. Ever. :love:
ps. I love your footer!
muuch better!
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