Here’s another one! I don’t know whether it violates any copyright laws, but certainly let me know if it does. Thanks!
:ub: the unibrow icon is kirupa vintage, it belongs to this forum, so I dont think there is a problem…
But the picture of the computers, though, is probably not allowed. That icon was done by darkproject, and I am sure he would not like for it to be used on a t-shirt without his permission
k, thanks. I’ll ask for permission right away!
oh, ummm…should there be a rule about fixing a design (for legal purposes) after it’s been submitted? Is this ok?
Do you mean if someone else steals your idea? Don’t worry - if anybody does that, I have a few phone “numbers” that can “ensure” that the “people” who stole your idea won’t be “stealing” anything for a “long time”…at least 6-8 weeks :asian:
heh! k, thanks kirupa.
k, I emailed DarkProject guy Mr. Fleming and he said it was perfectly fine to use the computer image. I just can’t make money off of it (which I’m not cause I set the price for production costs only) and that proper credit were given (which it is, regarding the link at the bottom of this site).
Thanks again Mr. Fleming!!!