AWB (Australian Wheat Board) in News

I am just wondering if anyone in other countries has heard of this story as I havent seen it on CNN or Times etc.

For those that don’t know.

The AWB sells australian wheat. We had been selling it to Sadam, but it was with kick backs. He paid for it, then the AWB sent money to a front company for every ton he bought. Australia was funding Sadam.

Now this news has gotten out and the government is saying that they knew nothing of it. So our shadow government is saying if they knew nothing then they are stupid and shouldn’t be allowed to run the country. It is now coming out that lots of members of the government recieved classified faxes telling them what was going on. Our Priminister now says he doesn’t remember those faxes.

So in short… Like the US, we where paying for Sadam and his army and people are not happy.

**So has this news been shown anywhere else in the world ?