Well I was offered a chance to go to the Columbus College of Art and Design (CCAD) for 2/3 weeks over the summer for $1400/$1875. This is an awesome oppurtunity I think but it’s really freaking expensive, well I mean I’m sure it’s cheap in relative terms, but to a poor 17 year old it isn’t so cheap. Anyway, I would be taking a standard art class and drawing or computer art if it was full. So this seems really cool. I want to know if anyone knows anything about this college or has any recommendations or really anything to say right now, because I know nothing about colleges and how they work and doo-dah doo-day.
I don’t know anything about the college, but I say go for it. I personally try not to pass up things like this. It will probably pay off for itself in the long run and it’d be a great jump-start on things for the fall (and the rest of your life ;)).
yeah see if this counts for credits in college too. I might do a summer program at my school so i can get credits out of the way and take Computer Science next year.
Yeah I get 2 credits and help building a real portfolio by people that actually judge them… so yup!
If I can raise the money I’m definitely gonna do it
I’d still love to know if anyone knows anything about the college
i would say go for it. The skills learned from the course will help you out alot later in life.
Good luck with it all if you plan on going, and let us know how it goes:)
Here is some info for you.
thanks ethan
What are your goals and expectations?
What school are you in now?
My goals are currently just to get into art school and see where I go from there.
Expectations… what do you mean really?
Right now I’m still in high school, I’m a junior.
look at savanah, good stuff down there. :thumb:
If everyone on the forum threw in 20cents each you’d have more than enough.
I just saw ethans link and it looks/sounds like a nice school - (expensive for a few weeks tho… but what do I know, eh) - does the price include yer stay and meals and such ???
why don’t you set up a pay-pal account link on your site … and maybe passerby’s can drop a buck or two in the kitty - I’d throw a few in for a worthy cause like this
…goodLuck :thumb:
The price includes a dorm food supplies and uhhh… that’s probably it.
Maybe I will do the paypal thing… that’s a good idea
David - true, very true… haha
Well if anybody wants to help me out there’s a link on the sidebar of my site now to donate.
What state/country is this college in? Doesn’t the members of 2A go there or something?
It’s costing you about $1500 for 3 weeks with boarding and food…
I pay $5,000 every 11 weeks and I don’t get food or lodging, so that price isn’t too bad. SCAD Savannah College of Art and Design does look like a good school. I looked at going there a few years back.
actually its about 1900 for 3 weeks, 1400 for 2.
Sharif - Columbus, Ohio and no idea about the 2a thing