Hey guys, i’m going to college soon, and well as you probably guessed im into web design, programming, graphics and animations. I was just wondering if you guys know about any GOOD college? Money is no problem (as i know some can cost a fortune), i just want to get into a good college.
Please post links if there is a website and any personal experience (if you are/have going/gone to that school).
I go to The Art Institute and I consider it good. I attended another art school as well, but it wasn’t that great. I like The Art Institue much better.
I’m not sure where you’re from, but they have lots of locations spread out in the US.
i am in the same boat with you (wait… theres a boat(-: )
no really i was looking at a course that would have cost me $2000+ but they ****ed me about so there not getting there money so i am doing some part-time (got to work) courses in Dreamweaver and Flash also HTML and Java script then i might do something like Hardware and Software, But the best bit is becuase i am under 19 i am getting all this FREE… LOL
i love the UK:thumb:
o… anyway… if you like web design do what i did and look for things that focus just on that then wirte to some places and ask for jobs, companys are always looking for staff. i have 2 near me that have like 20+ people and they just give you a site to do and you do it, none of this self employed ****, that is to much like hard work.
so when i am done in about a 8-10 months i should be in a job that paying 25k+ (35+ dollers) PA.
and as far as i am aware thats not half bad:thumb: considering i will be 18.
Chris9902, Well actually i am going to a school that is ONLY web design/PHP programming/c - c++ programming and some graphics but i would like to continue that line and get like a super degree
im going to seneca next year (toronto) and im gonna learn a whol gammit (sp) of things. from web design, to networking, to other stuff Icant remember right now… if I dont get a job after it, i try takig another course.
some good colleges in toronto (if your intersted)
seneca: www.senecac.on.ca
sheridan: www.sheridanc.on.ca
humber: humberc.on.ca
internation academy of design (but i have reservations about them)