Bad or Good?

Well I would really like to know someone else’s opinion on whether or not I went too overboard with filters here. and ofcourse reactions to the pic :slight_smile:

there are a few things i will comment on…

  1. you spelt replace wrong - “reaplace”
  2. those spiky things in the bottom left and right look out of place, and don’t really add anything as they are now.
  3. i like the tree :stuck_out_tongue:
  4. the main bit is clearly an extrude with something (halftone?) over it… a lot of people do things like that, and to a degree it’s ok, but the image lacks something. If you want to keep that thing, try putting different images/textures/things over it to add more interest and funk. Alternatively, do something cool to the existing bit to make it less extrude-ish
  5. some sort of colour would be nice, whether it’s just tonality, or some other thing put over the top with a blending mode… you could do something as mentioned in point 4 to add some colour AND interest… maybe some cool wisps of something, or grab an image and just do stuff to make it abstract, then go from there…

it’s got promise


I think you already know the answer to your own question, but I’d have to say yes, you over did it with the filters. Keep in mind, just because you can use filters, doesn’t mean you should. Each filter is designed to do a special effect for a specific purpose, when you throw them together, the results can look bad. Don’t get me wrong though, experimenting is great so don’t stop, just continue playing around. =)

Well first of all thanks for the detailed comments, but i should have specified that, that was not supposed to be a finished product…here’s an update oh yeah and thanks for the spell check hehe :slight_smile:

i like that addition…

i think it might also look good if you made the heart completely one colour (at the moment, there are a few shades of grey hidden in there)

i still don’t like those spikey things :sigh:

and hopefully some colour is still to come!


Well i went for another update but im not sure if it got better or just much worse…help :sigh:

I don’t know what kind of look you’re trying to achieve, but in my opinion it’s just too busy, the text is hard to read and the colors aren’t too nice at all. :-\

I like the tree…and the blue footer, take everything else off and I’d run with it from there.

I don’t like any of them and yes that is filter overkill. Learn to design without filters before you attempt to design with them. And filters look best when you can’t tell they’re there. Kind of what Peter Jackson said about using special effects for LOTR.

i dont want to impose anything on anyone but i hardly use any filters. mostly just layer blending, alpha channels and guassian blur is pretty much the only filter i use

*Originally posted by vts31 *
**i dont want to impose anything on anyone but i hardly use any filters. mostly just layer blending, alpha channels and guassian blur is pretty much the only filter i use **

Because you’re THAT good Edwin! :wink: