I’m buying a new computer in about 3 months, and I haven’t figured out wether to buy a PC or a Mac. And I’m talking about laptops, preferrably a HP (of some sort) or a Powerbook.
I use my computer for webdesign with Flash, PHP, MySQL and of course HTML. Programs I use are mostly Photoshop and Studio MX 2004.
So wich platform should I choose?
I would like honest opinions here, and no “Intel = In hell” or “Mac sucks”. If (hopefully) you’ve used both platforms - wich one do you prefer/recommend? I have looked at www.XvsXP.com, and the final score suggests mac, but, hmmm, the author is pro-mac, so… :h: :q:
I know it’s a tough question, but hey, that’s what kirupaforum is for, right?
Very hard question, both are very good System, I like creating your own system which is why i like PC’s. If you know what you are doing you can get bits and pieces (a wide range to pick from as well) and produce a awesome system for cheap, while macs’ all ready system are good but pose problems when trying to upgrade.
OSX on the mac I believe has a slight edge on XP on performance and its definitely much nicer looks / animation / feel (just love that interface). But windows and PC has always been superior to things like 3d, gaming, Compositing and working as Servers.
I use XP and it has been very steady for me , and has not been a problem since i installed it, Ive always been a PC person because im really use to the logical and quick way around your computer while i still love the look of OSX, that dosent bother me because you can install things like StyleXP and found on the web some excellent skinners who have developed themes to make your pc look sorta like the OSX interface.
Macs’ are known as the design tool. I do agree in some aspects if you only use the Studio suit, they can handle these application very well, but i found its lacking support for other application which i would use. eg… 3d…composting apps, 3rd party apps.
As powerful as macs can be they still run Flash slower than a pc can run it. They are not too bad while working , but when testing, you will never get the real runtime that you would on a PC, i believe is something to do with the allocated memory… but im not sure.
So in conclusion… both are good. one does some things the other cannot and visa versa, it up to how you work and what you need in a computer , that will finalise your decision.
thanks for a fast reply, soulty!
well… I think I’ll go for the mac then. I’ve been using PC all my life, so it will be a new and exciting experience. And I can manage some perforance lack in games… I think OSX = cool too…
if you spend equal amounts on each, both will be nice machines. However, if you cheap out on a PC, you will have more problems…
Macs do have a problem seeing the web as the rest of the world does, and has issues with transferring documents/fonts/etc., so if your friends all have PC’s, that may be an influence on your decision…
If I were you I’de go with apple.
I have been a PC user all my life until this christmas when my dad made our old iMac nice and fast, and the second I used OS X I fell in love with it.
Macs have Internet Explorer on them, if you want to avoid web-seeing problems. And Safari is the fastest browser (out of IE, Mozilla, and Netscape)
PCs just seem a little behind with both their processors and operating systems.
The funny thing: You know where to find everything, and how to use everything the second you get on OS X… No learning envolved. Macs seem to have just as many programs, but less games… MacGames (I think that’s the company’s name) is porting lots of pc games to macs, and you can be sure that your mac will have good graphics (they come with great graphics cards because their Operating System is powered by graphic cards.)
If you buy a PClaptop dont buy HP try to get some Dell - it’s much more steady & reliable - i’ve had two and I’ve regretted it (they both spent a few months getting repaired caus the hardware was crappy - and a$sholes overthere simply deleted my harddrive when it was a RAM problem)
Depends what your looking for, if you don’t mind waiting for programs and waiting forever for your games then go for mac, otherwise go for PC.
I was using both PC and Mac for about half a year, and well I don’t see anything superb about the mac, nothing of its superb stablity, its been crashing many times, and thats from using Flash MX.
I hear alot of good things about mac’s, but honestly the only thing I notice is the cool boxes, which I don’t really care much about. Add the outrageous price of macs on to that and well… I personaly don’t think its worth the extra $$$ as well as the inflexibility…
yeh dell better than hp in the laptop section. Though with pcs, its better if you know your hardware, get it customised for a lot less {and i do mean a LOT less}
pc’s i have found are like high performance race cars. they are very modifiable with a huge range of parts and as a result can be extremely fast. note that i say can because if they are setup wrong they can be pieces of crap. pc’s in my opinion, like racecars, take more maintenace than regular cars but can go much faster.
continuing with the car analogy think about this;
mac’s use a 128bit processor last time i check whereas pc’s use a 32bit processor. (amd now makes a 64bit, also a xeon and an itanium are 64bit i think). your data is like boxes and you have to get it from point a to point b. you can take 5 trips in a truck (mac) or 500 in a pc. hard to say which is gonna be faster. also, even if you put a 64bit processor in your pc you need a os that supports it (nt or better).
for the money i have found pc’s are better. you can get parts, software, games and more info on the net. plus you can easily work with 97% of the other computers in the world. that not conformity its commmon sense.
if you are hell bent on stability run linux, it wont crash ever and youll have the same trouble getting software and hardware as a mac.
*Originally posted by hsalf *
**pc’s i have found are like high performance race cars. they are very modifiable with a huge range of parts and as a result can be extremely fast. note that i say can because if they are setup wrong they can be pieces of crap. pc’s in my opinion, like racecars, take more maintenace than regular cars but can go much faster.
continuing with the car analogy think about this;
mac’s use a 128bit processor last time i check whereas pc’s use a 32bit processor. (amd now makes a 64bit, also a xeon and an itanium are 64bit i think). your data is like boxes and you have to get it from point a to point b. you can take 5 trips in a truck (mac) or 500 in a pc. hard to say which is gonna be faster. also, even if you put a 64bit processor in your pc you need a os that supports it (nt or better).
for the money i have found pc’s are better. you can get parts, software, games and more info on the net. plus you can easily work with 97% of the other computers in the world. that not conformity its commmon sense.
if you are hell bent on stability run linux, it wont crash ever and youll have the same trouble getting software and hardware as a mac.
in short, i am pro pc **
I run Linux and I don’t have problems finding software or hardware… occasionally you have to search around a bit, or in the worst case use Wine(www.winehq.com).
And the newest Macs have 64bit processors, not 128bit.
what the hell do you need a 64-bit processor for anyway? Pretty much no software exists that actually utilises 64-bit - Certainly Windows-based. That’s why the AMD’s haven’t taken off quite as well as they should - stick with 32-bit for the moment. It costs less.
yah y would u need a 64 bit processor?(if u can get it, but u don’t have 2)
i’ll take that question back if ur like an xxhardcorexx gamer, or a x xx3D(hollywood movie type;))animator,
macs i can tell u they’re fantastic when it comes 2 graphics, viruses do not have any interest(maybe low interest) in attacking a mac. also for some reason(i read it somewhere and i don’t no wat that reason is) it seems 2 stand strong against viruses. pcs are attracting all viruses. thats a very big advantage if u ask me. but, a mac isn’t really user-friendly os, it doesn’t have alot features when it comes 2 that special point especially when u compare it 2 an xp. Especially those drag-and-drop features, i can drag a pic from my internet explorer in xp and drop it right in my photoshop!, lol xp is very superior when it comes to drag and drop features, sorry for focusing on the drag-and-drop:), but u guys get what i’m talking about when i say user-friendly.
i perfer a pc, easy to use it’s also good with graphics and its easier to use and theres way more features on an xp, some are still hidden, theres alot of things i can do on a pc and can not do on a mac, and theres little things on a mac that i can not do on a pc. but u gotta admit those apple macs looks beautiful(the lcd screen, and the mous, keybored) especially the laptops.
but hey i really recommend a mac if ur looking for something new, we have’em in class. but if ur looking for something that is more user-friendly get a pc.