Best/Worst Commute...Is your city on here?

DC ain’t that bad, even if it’s 10th. There are a lot of other ways you can take if you just know the layout of DC.

yeah you actually look like an idiot if you have a car in SF. My friend bought a bmw and everyone was like why?? you big idiot. He never leaves the city limits. If he goes over the bridge he takes bart. They should make SF like its own nation or something a continent. People there are unlike any one else.

I don’t see how on earth Birmingham is on the list as the 7th best city. A few million work in the city, and yet 20 of them live in the city. So they’re all trying to get out of the city on the same 2 lane interstate. For a city as small as Birmingham, it takes nearly as long to move a mile during rush hour as it does in Atlanta.

Plus the drivers here are just awful. Some lady on the interstate 4 years ago swerved to miss a wicker chair and hit an army truck caring thousands of pounds of explosives. Come on.

But if it’s an accurate list, I feel very, VERY sorry for you people in the top 10 :).

now that the big dig is coming to a close i bet boston will clear up. less detors and construction you know?

*Originally posted by 3d-iva *
**yeah you actually look like an idiot if you have a car in SF. My friend bought a bmw and everyone was like why?? you big idiot. He never leaves the city limits. If he goes over the bridge he takes bart. They should make SF like its own nation or something a continent. People there are unlike any one else. **


I love this town!

I rent cars… cheap… plus, I can get a New 5l Mustang convertible for the weekend, for under $200 incl gas… great for a weekend trip to Carmel… I always rent the same car… it just changes color from time to time…


other than that, I don’t want to drive anymore… much rather walk.


The worst commute has to be anything that involves getting on a form of public transport in England. Or the M25. :sure:

I drive right into the heart of Boston every day there and back, during rush hour! It is not cool! I drive right by the Fleet Center and storrow drive, so if there is a game or a concert or a friday in the summer or any other day for that matter…It takes me hours to get home!

Kit, don’t mention the bloody British transport!

I had an end of year deadline for my Graphics course, and I waited for my train, said it was on time… but didn’t come for a while…

turns out that it had been cancelled, and that all trains that day wouldn’t be running because there was a power failure in one area, and in another area the rails were damaged, and there were signal failings in another!

Trust public transport…

So I had to phone my dad to come home from work and take me in, I only barely got in on time!

I swear that they think it’s a good idea to plant trees along the railway so that during autumn the leaves fall off and they can cancel trains because of unsafe conditions due to leaves on the rails! Bloody geniuses!

w00h hoo. My commute used to be kinda sucky because I had to travel through the city and couldn’t use freeways but now when I bought my own house I live 4 miles from work and if I’m lucky and make all 5 stoplights I can get to work in 5 minutes. HEHE

wehre do you live? rere…i bet. but it will all clear up…with luck.