But to be shown and have it demonstrated in a tangible fashion the fruits of the labor of a person who “made it” is way different than making commercials and cnn guest appearances. Believe me.
Thats just your opinnion, Thats YOUR perception of what giving back is. Many do not see it that way. Many, Many people are not affected that way …but the fact of the matter is that to some seeing someone on the couch of David letterman is more motivation than seeing someone that “made it” back in the “old” neighborhood. For example… seeing an emcee like Jay-Z at the MTV awards on TV when you know they grew up on your block can be more of a motivation to do for self and get out of the hood than seeing him come back to the projects to give gifts. Actually being on TV can be the “Fruits of labor.” If I write a bestseller then getting on Oprah can very well be the fruits of my labor…
I do realize that is my opinion as that is only what I can speak to. but by the response I and a friend have been getting from our midnight league basketball stops. And our mini camps. I would lean a little more towards my solution as it is much more than a single opnion. During the summer I deal with 1000’s of teens and several celebrities between midnight leagues, promotions and mini camps. So I see a broader scope of the impact. Where as you may only see your opinion and a few colleagues. So my opinion is indeed not a hollow representation of only what I see. I actually see 100’s of kids faces light up to see Jason Kidd come in and speak. i actually see these kids go from failing grades to straight A’s so they can come back and play in our tournaments. So my friend yes Bill can be doing more. But you are right. Anything is more than nothing.
You see the good thing about a discussion such as this is too think outside of your own view. When you say you dont see it my way lets me know you aint trying to. Rather than trying to disprove mine, prove yours as being viable. Talk about how you or others have benefitted. You provide nothing more than opinion. And a shaky one at that. But I do appreciate the conversation.
Instead of joining the Peace Corps and going to Africa, “go across the street into the projects. These are people who need to see another picture, a brighter picture,” he said.
That is exactly what I am saying. It starts with the place of most influence for the individual.
On the other hand I hate when people blame rap music for anything. It is just another form of expression, art and entertainmaent. Story telling if you will. Thats like saying Hollywood glorifies killing andmurder sprees with their movies. Just plain ridiculous. Rap music does not make anyone do anything. At least not more than TV does. But thats another debate.
I agree with your opinnion on music but that is another story and Kirupa with all due respect you did not say what you liked about that quote…this IS a discussion
but back to what DDD said… it funny that you (DDD) try to quantify the amount of people you reach and compare that to Bill Cosby when for all intensive purposes you could not begin to compare to what that man has done in terms of people that he has motivated through not only his TV show’s (Cosby Show, Fat Albert, the new kids cartoon shows he has…the name escapes me, speeches at universitys etc.) to you that means nothing, but the fact of the matter is that Cosby being a public figure in the spotlight through his success, preaching wholesome values in apositve manner has probly reached more people than you ever will.
Maybe you should read or reread W.E.B. Dubois, or some other harlem renaissance writers who spoke on the impact of showing the positive black people, and the need for it. These are the things that are inevitably necessary to shift public opinnion away from streotypes about black people (as ignorant as they may be) in terms of not being good citizens that would help to end things like racial profiling etc. Not only that but these positve images also provide many young black kids with a positive rolemodels and the positve imagery does more subconciously for all americans than you choose to accept.
My point is that, yes what you do with your youth groups in the hundreds is commendable I never said it wasnt but you should not discredit somone elses approach that is just as effective in another manner if not more effective which it probly is. His world view is obviously larger than yours in that he is looking at changing the image of black people on a global level through presenting positive images of the people.
In all actuality I am not comparing to Bill where as I am solidifying my opinion. So I guess you can say I am comparing to you and your opinion. Where the difference is I am living it and you are talking and reading about it. I guess that is why our opinions will never meet. But in the purpose of open discussion I would say my opinion is based on a stronger foundation. Basedon the fact that Bill hisself seems to back up my opinion in the link that Kirupa posted and like I said I see the impact first hand through my extra-curricular activities. So I guess this is a case of perception against reality. I choose reality.
Never said his method was not effective. I just said he could be more effective with a different approach. And not be so detached. Never doubted his icon status.
lol … your whole argument is weak at best. Sub-Par.
Where the difference is I am living it and you are talking and reading about it. I guess that is why our opinions will never meet.
Instead of getting at the issues you try to attack me again. (I already proved you DO NOT KNOW ME) You have no idea about “what I am living”. lol
See, to me you are just a crab, another crab in the bucket (aka hater) keeping people down by choosing to attack someone who has good intentions and IS doing something to help his people. Why dont you use that same energy you are using to attack Bill for something else, like to attack someone who is NOT helping anyone or someone who is hurting the commmunity.
lol end of discussion…your common sense has just left the building. I tried to keep it civil but you chose to attack and call names. Your opinion had no grounds but some regular, average argument anyone can pull from a After School Special. I tried to bring in facts and first hand knowledge. And you bring in “I once dated someone at Spellman” then you went to “I got an undergrad degree from Moorehouse” when challenged. I believe you to be a fictional type person, that blurts out anything you thinksounds correct then when called on it. You want to hide behind derrogatory remarks. But I think the topic has reached its end so I am closing the door.
Silly me - where were my manners? His quote itself was fairly simple and to the point. I can only infer what he thinks, but his view, and partially my view also, is that many individuals who are capable of helping, seem to forget the problem within our own neighborhoods. I too am guilty of that