BIT-101 looking for a full time position in Boston

Our good friend BIT-101 has recently become unemployed as is looking for work. He has contributed to six books on Flash ActionScript, with several more in the oven. BIT-101 recently won the Experimental category award at the Flashforward 2003 Flash Film Festival (congrats!).

If anyone knows of any work in Boston, or can put in a good word for him in someplace somewhere around there (or whatever), Im sure that would be appreciated.

If you have any suggestions for employment etc., you can always contact Bit through his profile here on kirupa:

Wow that sucks… I hope it was by his own accord.

I’m sure someon with that much talent won’t have a tough time finding a place to work - good luck, I wish I could be of more help!

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**I’m sure someon with that much talent won’t have a tough time finding a place to work **

unfortunatly our economy is in real bad shape. it’s hard for anyone to find a job, even with that much skill. im in NYC and i can tell you that people are dying over here, it’s actually very sad. there are tons of jobs, but the pay low, and they don’t offer benefits, most of them are contracting jobs, like mine. i am working as a contracting web master. i just found out today my time is up August 1st. maybe me and Bit 101 should start a business :slight_smile:

I wish him luck. I’ve been there myself, laid off in November from a company which I helped build from the ground up.

Right now, it seems most companies are requiring a Bachelors Degree in Graphics Design or similar. Gettin’ harder and harder to compete without one, that’s for sure.

That’s why I decided to finally pursue my education, just too hard to find a job and I wasn’t getting any younger ;(


i evny you, i refuse to go back to school

I want to go back :frowning:

Sen, I can’t see going back because I truly feel that once you know the fundamentals of anything in web development, it’s then up to you to take it as far as you can. I mean a teacher can only teach you so much

Its a tough market out there.

Employees are no longer assets to companies…they are expenses.

So true fester, so true. You have to make yourself non-expendable. In a small business like the one I am in right now, I can do that pretty easily - but in a larger corp, there is always someone breathing down your neck for your spot.

tell me about it, im getting bounced august 1st

Thats tough digital. I am sorry to hear that man.

At least they had the descency to let you know when you were going to be let go.

At my company, they tap you on the shoulder, take you into a conference room, rip your job from you and literally give you 10 minutes to clean out your desk before you are escorted to you car.

Its friggin twisted. We have had hundreds of lay-offs over the past couple of years. I am suprised no-one has flipped out yet.

om man that’s insane. well i knew when i started i would be leaving now, it was a contracting job. since i’s my first “real job” after college i took it for experience. now the issue is finding another one

it has nothing to do with the teachers. I was teaching my teachers in college (even taking over classes for them). Its more of an internal pursuance of knowledge and creativity and just getting out there and learning things yourself; reading, studying the works of others, and having time to engage in your own work and pursuits. Theres a lot to absorb and experiment with but little time for it all when you’re busy working and putting up with rediculously confused and deranged clients.

I’m with you sen. I just graduated from college in August of last year from a 3 year graphic design program. I would love more than anything to go back as I had a great time and wish I could learn all there is to know about our craft. Going in, I had taken 2 years off and during that time I got pretty good with photoshop and building websites. After having attended classes for 3 years I realized something… I knew about 20% of these programs and their power and I thank god that I decided to get the diploma before I went job hunting.

I can see where you are coming from Digitalosophy in that teachers can really only teach you so much - but it’s the experience and the people you meet and ability to push yourself further than you thought you could go - all the while having someone or some people to ask for help if you need it. I know that sounds like a crappy ad for a college or university somewhere but it’s really how I felt. I loved it and would go back in a heart beat if it wasnt for this **** money thing…

Sureshot i hear you man, i mean come on college was the sh@t. But i’m going on 23 now, time to work ya know. Unfortunatly I was never the school type until a few years ago. Man do I regreat that. But in all honesty I signed up for a Database program about a half a year ago, and never went because I got this job. Now that is oiver not sure what I should do. I only have an Associates Degree in Digital Media Arts(mostly asp, and database , they didnt teach me much flash at all).

Does any one know of any schools offering advanced flash actionscripting? Thats why I dont wanna go back, because I don’t need a teacher telling me how to make a ball move from side to side for $15 grand a year. Feel me?

I think your best bet is taking MM classes or maybe something offered by someplace like figleaf - that professional training kind of deal. Ive also tutored which is an option if you can find anyone smart enough (and willing or offering) … which may not be as easy come to think of it :beam: Otherwise, at a college of uni level, they are broader and less focused on specific or advanced AS. Other languages, yeah, but Flash, less so much. Atleast thats how it is around here.:-\

hmm well thanks for your info Sen. In all seriousness, have you ever thought of instructing an online AS class?

Heh, well I do go back to the college to teach Flash workshops there… not during the summer though. Otherwise I don’t really have time. I guess I could, but between work and kirupa here sucking the life out of me (not as much as before ;)) there doesnt seem to be the time.

well if anything changes, i would be happy to sign up for Senocular 101 :slight_smile:

that makes 2 of us :wink: