I’ll say this.
When our nation was started, the Native Americans lived here. We took their land, and robbed them of the other lands that we got. Paying 3 cents for ACRES of land rich in minerals. Then we had them show us around, and they even taught us how to live in the weather condiitions, grow crops, and other such stuff. They were given SMALL amounts of land and money back. Land and money that we stole from them.
Also when the United States was formed, African Americans were not considered ‘men,’ nor were they covered by the rights gauranteed in the Constitution. To say that their rights were taken away is a lie, as they never had rights to begin with. After the Civil War (to some states it was before), those African Americans were given rights.
African Americans were also not killed in countless wars and battles to the point where their leaders refused to fight anymore to save their population. The Native Americans were tired of fighting and thus gave up. African American slaves were bought in Africa, and sold in the States and across Europe too. They were not taken, but purchased from their own people in Africa.
I’ll be d*amned too if I’ll pay a penny for reparations to the African American people. First off, it’s hard to tell who was enslaved since not all African Americans in the USA today have been here since those days of slavery. Also it’s hard to tell who should pay for such wrongs. My family came over from Italy in the 40s and 50s, and some are there still. Should I have to pay for slavery which my ancestors had no part in? If you were playing football with your friends down your street, you wouldn’t pay for a broken window which your friend threw the football into. Same thing with reparations.
While I’m on the topic of my Italian heritage - what about the things Italian Americans have done for this nation? You never read in any history books of the things Italian Americans have done. Instead, all anyone knows of the Italian culture are those cheap rip-off Italian “Ristorante” places such as the Olive Garden. An entire corporation based on giving its patrons an Italian atmosphere, when not one member of their board is of Italian decent. Or the fact that every Italian American in TV and movies happens to be in the mob. You couldn’t imagine how angry it gets me when people ask me if I’m in the mob, or joke around and say that I am. To go places and have people not socialize with you because someone thinks you’ll have them whacked is insane - and it’s the life I lead.
All I’m saying is what about the Polish, the Irish, the Italians, the Germans … Just because our skin is all ‘white’ we don’t deserve recognition?
I’m not saying that slavery was right, all I’m saying is that it’s part of the past. And to say that their people were left out of history books is also rediculous. What about the contributions of all the other cultures? Are they not left out as well? Pick up a history book - or even Google the question “Who discovered America?” and you’ll find Christopher Columbus, when his real name was Christoforo Columbo - an Italian.
My point is everyone wants equality, but few actually give it. You can’t give one group its own history month and leave out everyone else.
I’d LOVE to see a Native American history month. Their culture is so rich, and to think that the first American settlers pushed them to the point of non-existence makes me sick. Slavery was bad, agreed, but it’s nothing compared to what happened to the Native Americans I don’t think.