Black History Month Thread

*Originally posted by RedMirrorBall *
**hmmm. Also note that presidents day is also in February, has there ever been a black president? **

this is kind of the point here RMB…

If young people, of all races, see that someone can come from Slave to community leader, then maybe we might have an African American President.

However, if we ignore even part of the history of any race, it is a bad thing, and just promotes ignorance, and it is doubtful that we, as a society will learn from the past.

I’m glad you just finished 1800 history. until 10-15 years ago, that would not have happened. You had history class, and “Negroes” as they were called in the books, were only spoken of as slaves.

They didn’t even teach us about Rosa Parks, or that Thomas Jefferson lived with his African American Housekeeper…

Don’t be so sure that all is taught as it was before.


And it has been corrected, just as slavery was. When we realize that things are not right, and then we make them right that is all we can do. I thought that was the point here?

but there are still generations of people out there who aren’t educated on this in school…

that is why we need to emphasize the importance of African Americans… this month gives the excuse to “soapbox” about contributions from African Americans…

and who is it harming?


rev you read my mind. I was wondering who is it hurting.

The KKK recruitment?

I think it hurts the african americans who it is intended to help. What is going on in here is the same thing that is going on all over america (especially Texas hehehe) people are complaining about the reason for a black history month. It is my belief that most poeple don’t look at it as a history month, but more of a “why do they get their own month” month. It’s just another division between whites and blacks that further creates friction, and thus fuels racism.

*Originally posted by RedMirrorBall *
**I think it hurts the african americans who it is intended to help. What is going on in here is the same thing that is going on all over america (especially Texas hehehe) people are complaining about the reason for a black history month. It is my belief that most poeple don’t look at it as a history month, but more of a “why do they get their own month” month. It’s just another division between whites and blacks that further creates friction, and thus fuels racism. **

The question is:

Is this a fact, or do you just assume it. Is it a fact to just you and your freinds, or is it a national wide fact.

Well that’s where I run into trouble. It is something I assume, but I assume this because I see it alot. I see it at work, home, here. It comes up several times every February. I saw some guy talking about it on the history channel today that is what actually prompted me to post this thread, but then I was unsure, and let somebody else start the thread, and it came up anyway.

Maybe a poll is in order…

RB - I have seen that attitude when I was in school also, but I also don’t really remember anything being done to remember the achievements of African Americans on Black History Month. It was just a month like any other month for me. With that said, my history classes did not water down or ignore the achievements of African Americans either. Not all schools are like that I am sure.

Very little attention is given - on any month - to the achievements of African Americans both socially and economically. While it is unfortunate that African Americans had to suffer through slavery, etc., they have also made a lot of important contributions. With programs like affirmative action, they are getting more of a level playing field (though some may argue that) than they had 30, 40 years ago. Change takes time. The Civil Rights Acts were only passed in the 1960s.

Instead of having a month, it would be better to use any money spent on advertising that gets lost amidst everything else and actually have people go to the schools and make presentations, speeches, etc. about the achievements of African Americans. If schools are indeed the problems - which they are to a large extent - it would be better to modify the education system to not gloss over African American contributions.

RMB - A poll probably would not be a useful indicator of what the small minority of us in this forum think :pleased:

I’ll say this.

When our nation was started, the Native Americans lived here. We took their land, and robbed them of the other lands that we got. Paying 3 cents for ACRES of land rich in minerals. Then we had them show us around, and they even taught us how to live in the weather condiitions, grow crops, and other such stuff. They were given SMALL amounts of land and money back. Land and money that we stole from them.

Also when the United States was formed, African Americans were not considered ‘men,’ nor were they covered by the rights gauranteed in the Constitution. To say that their rights were taken away is a lie, as they never had rights to begin with. After the Civil War (to some states it was before), those African Americans were given rights.

African Americans were also not killed in countless wars and battles to the point where their leaders refused to fight anymore to save their population. The Native Americans were tired of fighting and thus gave up. African American slaves were bought in Africa, and sold in the States and across Europe too. They were not taken, but purchased from their own people in Africa.

I’ll be d*amned too if I’ll pay a penny for reparations to the African American people. First off, it’s hard to tell who was enslaved since not all African Americans in the USA today have been here since those days of slavery. Also it’s hard to tell who should pay for such wrongs. My family came over from Italy in the 40s and 50s, and some are there still. Should I have to pay for slavery which my ancestors had no part in? If you were playing football with your friends down your street, you wouldn’t pay for a broken window which your friend threw the football into. Same thing with reparations.

While I’m on the topic of my Italian heritage - what about the things Italian Americans have done for this nation? You never read in any history books of the things Italian Americans have done. Instead, all anyone knows of the Italian culture are those cheap rip-off Italian “Ristorante” places such as the Olive Garden. An entire corporation based on giving its patrons an Italian atmosphere, when not one member of their board is of Italian decent. Or the fact that every Italian American in TV and movies happens to be in the mob. You couldn’t imagine how angry it gets me when people ask me if I’m in the mob, or joke around and say that I am. To go places and have people not socialize with you because someone thinks you’ll have them whacked is insane - and it’s the life I lead.

All I’m saying is what about the Polish, the Irish, the Italians, the Germans … Just because our skin is all ‘white’ we don’t deserve recognition?

I’m not saying that slavery was right, all I’m saying is that it’s part of the past. And to say that their people were left out of history books is also rediculous. What about the contributions of all the other cultures? Are they not left out as well? Pick up a history book - or even Google the question “Who discovered America?” and you’ll find Christopher Columbus, when his real name was Christoforo Columbo - an Italian.

My point is everyone wants equality, but few actually give it. You can’t give one group its own history month and leave out everyone else.

I’d LOVE to see a Native American history month. Their culture is so rich, and to think that the first American settlers pushed them to the point of non-existence makes me sick. Slavery was bad, agreed, but it’s nothing compared to what happened to the Native Americans I don’t think.

BM - this is typical

this argument is about learning the history of everyone, not who is entitled to reparations…

what is a month dedicated to learning about African Americans doing to harm Native Americans? or to anyone?

If you wish to sponsor June as Native American History Month, and support it, cool, I’ll see what I can do to help…

how about a positive influence for once?


*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**BM - this is typical

this argument is about learning the history of everyone, not who is entitled to reparations…

what is a month dedicated to learning about African Americans doing to harm Native Americans? or to anyone?

If you wish to sponsor June as Native American History Month, and support it, cool, I’ll see what I can do to help…

how about a positive influence for once?

Rev **
I was just retorting to what DDD mentioned about not getting reparations. His argument was, “the Native Americans got land and money, and all we got was a month to celebrate our history.”

The harm it’s causing is the fact that there is much animosity among non-African Americans over the fact that their cultures are not being represented, or appreciated for their roles in making America what it is today.

We’re focused more on what happened to the African American people in this nation than what happened to the people who occupied the land before we came and drove them out, and I think that’s wrong.

Do African Americans deserve a history month? Yeah, they have given a lot to this nation - but I feel that many are being forgotten. I never said African Americans shouldn’t have their own month to celebrate their history and raise awareness of it for those uneducated on the topic. Like I said before, “All I’m saying is what about the Polish, the Irish, the Italians, the Germans … Just because our skin is all ‘white’ we don’t deserve recognition?”

I don’t know why they need an officially sanctioned month to celebrate their culture… it is kind of like Valentine’s Day…shouldn’t you show love all year long? I’m all about education and understanding different cultures; but I don’t know if its wise to separate one ethnicity away and spotlight it at once.

Affirmative action is racist. It no longer helps anyone. I’ve seen honest men get completely sidelined because there wasn’t enough “color” on the panel. Forget skill, talent, ability, just put “color” on the panel.

If you are better than me at my job, then you deserve it. Based on that alone. I don’t care what your color is. You are a human being who is deservant of equal rights. I see plenty of black people “making it” and not asking for anything back. I was in Best Buy the other day and saw a black person wearing a shirt that said “Great-Grandson of an African Field Slave.” I wanted to be sick. Can people wear a shirt that says “Great-Grandson of a decorated Confederate Soldier?”

The was so much more to that whole war and era that no one pays attention to.

I’ve met and heard plenty of “colored” people who believe so. I even roomed with an awesome “brother,” we got along really well, driving home with each other for breaks. He educated me on them, and I on us “whites.”

I keep hearing, we want equality we want equality…well then don’t separate yourself…demand equal rights, lobby for them, educate America, but don’t seprate yourself, exclude yourself away and throw “black” and “african american” all over your banners. If you are an American, claim your right as one.

And personally I’ve never met an Albino person, so I don’t believe and don’t like people using the term “white.” If you don’t like to be called “black” then don’t call me “white.”

Cause I’m not :wink:

So much passion for equality, yet everything done to celebrate the differences.
I respect you all - I just wish there weren’t so many festivals, and statues, and scholarships and all that. As a country we live in a time when almost anyone can make it, if they just set their mind to it.

*for instance, on the Grammy’s just now, Evanescence won “best new artist.” A “white” rock group…running against couple of “black” artists… 50 Cent decides to walk all around stage in front of them when they won, cross around in front and wave into the cameras, ruining their moment.

**now in contrast, the “funk” segment rocked the house down guys…that was music!

education is never harmful BM…

Education of a people, about the good things someone has done, regardless of race, can only help.

why anyone would argue against education is lost on me.

That is all Black History Month is. A month dedicated to teaching the history of African Americans.

If you want March as Drunken Irish History Month, and gain enough support, I’ll be there with you. If you want Cuban Defectors History Month in July, cool, get the support.

Do not penalize a group of people just because you feel they got something that everyone deserves. Rather, lobby to get that same treatment for everyone.

See how that works?

much more effective, and everyone wins in the end.

there are quite a few short sighted views in this thread.


You do this a lot Rev

You make me look like the bad guy. I NEVER said that Black History Month was bad, or that it shouldn’t be. I’ve repeatedly said that I’m for it.

I just think it’s crazy that we only have an African American History Month. And all I did in my first post was retort to the crazy things I heard in DDD’s arguments.

Stop trying to make me look like the bad guy, OK? You do this every time

The 40 acres and a mule thing was a documented reparation that many were screwed out of. And I never said that I am owed a **** thing actually I stated the opposite. This is how America has chose to deal with the travesties upon other cultures. I believe this month of education is good and would like to see it for other cultures. Please quote me correctly my man! I never had a argument just statements…And while I am at it can you name another culture who has faced the trials and tribulations that African Americans have while still contributing greatly to that same society. Be it music, entertainment, or invention?

Education is beautiful…

"I’ll be d*amned too if I’ll pay a penny for reparations to the African American people."
you sound rather racist yourself. You have never been asked to pay anything.

*Originally posted by DDD *
**And while I am at it can you name another culture who has faced the trials and tribulations that African Americans have while still contributing greatly to that same society. Be it music, entertainment, or invention? **
The Jewish. The mass attempted genocide is right up there with the slavery deal.

I’m offended that you say I’m racist. I have many friends who are multi-cultured. I know people of Eurpoean descent, Asian decent (my ex-girlfriend was Vietnamese), and one of my best friends, Torian, is African American himself. All I said was I wouldn’t pay for something I didn’t have any part of - and all a sudden the racist label comes up.

I said you sounded that way…because your stance was so strong yet negative. Educating about a past as important as the african americans is not negative and you do not have to pay for it. I guess that is part I dont understand about your statement. And what or whos reparation would you pay for then. But you made yourself sound that way not to mention you mis-directed my comments as well as mis-quoted them. And what does that genocide have to do with the Americans. Did that take place in America and was it dealt to the Jewish by Americans. I take back my offensive statement BTW and apologize.

I have no opinion over the month myself. I think that people should choose to celebrate whatever the heck they want. I guess I am happy in the end, that we take a month to concentrate on black accomplishments. Phil is right… they were almost writen out of the the history books. A month to concentrate on re-inserting them into the history is hardly too much to ask for.

I do want to address something DDD said earlier.

I dont think anyone can name another culture that has went through the struggles we have, still give tremendously back to the same society that enslaved us and still we have much of the same issues and hurdles to go over today.

There is a flaw here. “still… same… culture”. It is important for black people to realize that though we still have problems with racial inequality, we are not the same culture that enslaved your ancestors. I don’t think that you actually believe this, but your words smack of that belief. It may be that you are spreading it without being aware. There is a large segment of whites and other cultures who are on your side in this issue.

And to say that your hurdles are the same as your ancestors is about equivilate of me saying, I’m responsible for helping to free the slaves. Sure my ancestors ran underground trains. That hardly means I have a clue what they went through to do it. The idea of being beaten for hours until death because you chose to say “please don’t hurt me”, is a far cry from not getting a job because the boss was a racist pig.

Just keeping perspective here.

the key there is much of the same. because the racism is no longer up front and abrupt which can be more dangerous. But your parallel is not correct in my eyes, but for the sake of argument will leave it at that. But thanks for clearing it up. I worded that rather loosely. And when I say Americans it is in its general sense. Since I know no one here has actually owned slaves as I have not hit the underground railroad lately…except for BART.