Blur? [mx]

is there any way to get a blur mask effect type thing… like a movie clip blurrs whatever is under it, type thing… or will i have to use photoshop and blur the image and just do a regular mask… i know i saw something about blurring stuff before somewhere but i dont remember where…

You seem to know the answer - or at least what I think it is :slight_smile: - pay a visit to photoshop and get blurrin’ !

sintax321 has a pretty much same effect in his footer, try PM-ing him.

well i know how to use the blur filter in ps… but i was just wondering if there was a way with a/s or just flash… ill try pm-ing sintax

i think syntax just photoshop blured it and then masked it… although an idea to blur it with AS is to duplicate the thing you want to blur (the more times the better, try to experiment) and then offset each image. lower the alpha of each image to 100/times the image was duplicated. this should result in an image that is 100% alpha but blured because of the offset…

this is just an idea and should work but it’s untested. maybe later i’ll try it out to make sure…


sounds like it would work but also sounds very system intensive… especially if you duplicate a lot of times…