Borderless Window Help

I am having so much trouble with this borderless window. I am about to give up.

I am using flash MX. I have IE 6.0 in a windows XP pro environment.

I have followed the directions on 2 websites to a T and cannot get the borderless window to work.

On the webpage for borderless windows on this website it says to place

it says to place this code on my flash button inside of the getURL() command.


This throws up an error in flash MX so I have to place it like this.


It also tells me to add this code to my HTML webpage I am trying to bring up
(PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MISSING ANGLE BRACKETS - I had to take those out in order to show the script)

script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="chromeless.js">/script>

script language="javascript">
function openIT(u,W,H,X,Y,n) {
var cD ='images/close_down.gif'
var cU ='images/close_up.gif'
var cO ='images/close_over.gif'
var cL
var tH ='<font face=verdana size=1>  Borderless Example</font>'
var tW ='Borderless Example'
var wB ='#003366'
var wBs ='#003366'
var wBG ='#8BB1D8'
var wBGs='#B1CBE4'
var wNS ='toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0'
var fSO ='scrolling=no noresize'

And last but not least it tells me to put the chromeless.js file in the same directory as the HTML page. I have done this as well. When I go to preview in flash (CTRL+ENTER) - I do not get a borderless window. I get a regular window that with this code in the address bar


Somebody please help me in what I am doing wrong. I can make the .fla available for download if you would like.

Thanks for any help in what I am doing incorrectly.

  1. Chromeless windows don’t work in IE6 SP1. This means that as of IE6 SP1, Chromeless windows are dead. No other browser supported Chromeless windows, so it was only IE, but not it is no longer IE. Chromeless windows will not launch as full screen windows in the new IE, Microbians (the company who made this script) released a patch to this problem by creating a normal old pop-up like what appears in all other browsers, but this patch had a serious bug that caused the windows that contained the link that launched the Chromeless window to become white with the text [object], so they removed the patch.

  2. With that said, it sounds like you are trying to get the borderless window to open inside Flash itself (through preview mode), but this will only work through a browser so you will have to publish your movie to an HTML file and then test it.

Thank you for the quick reply. Yes, the borderless window is what I am trying to create. however, everywhere I look all I get is the microbian code. Thank you for the information.

There is another way to get a borderless window from the HTML itself but I cannot figure out nor remember how to do it…

something to the effect in the body tag of the document of

body topmargin=“0” leftmargin=“0” menubar=“no” something something something…

do you happen to know how to put that in… I would be satsified with that.


That is a standard javascript browser pop up window, not quite a borderless. There are a few ways you can do it, I posted a .txt file as an attachment that uses the method I wrote on creating Javascript pop ups that I use all the time.

What the…Microsoft is on a streak lately. No chromeless windows, no closing windows automatically without the annoying asking pop-up…I wonder what’s next.

It could have possibly been the same object used :-\

I saw before a way to do that effect without the use of javascript. I had the proper way to implement that at one point in time but no longer have it… I will take a look to see if I can find it again. if I do find it I will post it here once again.

Thanks for the replies.

You can launch a full screen, then minimize that, but those are the worst of all pop ups because they contain no x button and area to drag the window. It is true borderless, and I would say about 99% of web viewers hate them.

I found the one that I am trying to do… however I thought there was some way to do it with the new protocols and tags within HTML 4.0/CSS, I cannot find it. I did find, however this page

This again is in JS but it works for what I want to do. It takes all of the stuff that I don’t want.

There is one big downfall however. Here is the code that I am using to execute it. (without the spaces or carraige returns)


This brings up 2 windows, the first window has the javaScript code in it:’…/mydirectory/mywebpage.html’,‘NameOfWindow’,‘toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=800,height=600’);

The second window is the code executed. Help Please… I don’t know why this is and cannot figure out how to not have that happen.


That is a standard javascript pop up window. That is what is in the file I sent you. You just put the javascript on the page and call the link in Flash with a getURL function.

This does it too…

Yes that is exactly what I am trying to do… I was trying to do the effect without JS but could not find the page I saw previously that did it without JS. I then re-read what you were saying and realized that I could do the JS from within flash and I did not have to have it on the HTML webpage. Thank you for the file.

Through all of this trial and error of trying to do the chromeless windows I have decided to make a standard JavaScript popup and just make it into a full page… I just don’t know how to make it a full 100% by 100% page so that no matter what resolution the person is viewing the webpage in it will popup full screen.

Thanks for all of your help

I am going to change my Script to the latest script that you sent me. That one does not open into two pages, however mine does and I don’t know why.

The first page also has the word object on it with square brackets in it.

Thanks again.

I had that issue before with my own script I wrote for flash, I couldn’t figure out the problem either so I scrapped it…lol.

Fullscreen windows are a thumbs down, a high majority of web viewers dislike full screen windows because it makes it tedious to switch between already opened windows and programs.

I am going to recreate the back button, the forward button, favorites, for them. I just want to be to control what is on the webpage. and get the full usage of space. Everything will be there except for the address bar and I am not sure that I shouldn’t have that there too. I will also have a close this window button there as well for them incase they want to go back to the parent window…

I am going to try anyway… there is too much stuff out there with the hotbar and the google bar, yahoo bar, msn bar… now we have like 2 inches of space to show these people the actual webpage…

I guess that is what I am trying to get rid of… all of those with the menubar gone would suffice me, however I do not want the ability to right click on buttons to bring any of those back either so I am willing to go through the hassle of recreating everything so I have full control over what happens on my webpage.

I am trying anyway… lol

I am glad to hear that I am not the only one that got that error… lol

Thanks for everything.

I hate those bars, people should be “terminated” for creating them, there was a time when I had like 3 bars on my browser that I couldn’t get rid of, and I didn’t put on there… then I found out you could uninstall them so I did… right away…lol.

Good luck on your project :slight_smile:


you can check out the progress of it so far by going to

World Famous Gift Baskets

or check out the error of it by going to

World Famous Gift Baskets Progress

Cool, thanks for the link :slight_smile:

Thanks for the new script (popupscentered). I couldn’t figure out why borderless wasnt working anymore for my XP machine (new SP screwed it up). One question that I have is that it doesnt seem to pass in the the title name for the window I open. it just gives the default “Untitled Document”. I called the javascript from a flash mx button and I have it so it calls it like:

on (release) {

it should give me the title lostinbest…but it doesnt. I’ve messed with it a little and I cannot even hardcode anything in for a title…any suggestions?



Ah, just figured it out…in my page.html I had the title set to “Untitled Document”.

two questions then…

shouldn’t the name be passed in when the function is called in the javascript, or does the name being set on the page.html override it? If it is being overridden, should you just remove the
<title>Untitled Document</title> from the page.html?

is there a way to write a sort of ver checker that would check to see if the user has IE6 and NOT SP1? if so do the chromeless script otherwise do the popupscentered? I know that the chromeless works on the newer Mac OS10, but not 9. Though it shows up the same as the popsupcentered code you posted…probably not worth the trouble, but the chromeless is a cool feature if used properly.

thx again,


Window name and window title are two completely different things.

Title is the title that shows in the title bar, where the window name is an invisibly assigned name so you can control that window from another window, pretty useless if you aren’t doing advanced Javascript.

As for the Chromeless thing, Microbians (creators of it) released a patch for it, but it causes an error on the page that contained the launch link that when the link was clicked the window was replaced with “[object]” in black text on a white background.

So they removed the patch and now there is no way to fix it yet.

That Object in square brackets is what I was seeing when I decided I wasn’t going to do a chromeless window… weird… anyway, here is yet another question.

I am going to see make everything comparible to an 800x600 resolution right now, however when the popup window does come up and I am going to set my width and height to 800x600, respectively. This works great is someone has their resolution set to 800x600, however does not looks so good if someone has there resolution set greater than that ot less than that. Is there someway to make the window appear in the maximized setting without using fullscreen = 1;?

Thanks for any help.

By the way, check out the progress so far… lol

World Famous Gift Baskets Progress