I am having so much trouble with this borderless window. I am about to give up.
I am using flash MX. I have IE 6.0 in a windows XP pro environment.
I have followed the directions on 2 websites to a T and cannot get the borderless window to work.
On the webpage for borderless windows on this website it says to place
it says to place this code on my flash button inside of the getURL() command.
This throws up an error in flash MX so I have to place it like this.
It also tells me to add this code to my HTML webpage I am trying to bring up
(PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MISSING ANGLE BRACKETS - I had to take those out in order to show the script)
script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="chromeless.js">/script>
script language="javascript">
function openIT(u,W,H,X,Y,n) {
var cD ='images/close_down.gif'
var cU ='images/close_up.gif'
var cO ='images/close_over.gif'
var cL
var tH ='<font face=verdana size=1> Borderless Example</font>'
var tW ='Borderless Example'
var wB ='#003366'
var wBs ='#003366'
var wBG ='#8BB1D8'
var wBGs='#B1CBE4'
var wNS ='toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0'
var fSO ='scrolling=no noresize'
And last but not least it tells me to put the chromeless.js file in the same directory as the HTML page. I have done this as well. When I go to preview in flash (CTRL+ENTER) - I do not get a borderless window. I get a regular window that with this code in the address bar
Somebody please help me in what I am doing wrong. I can make the .fla available for download if you would like.
Thanks for any help in what I am doing incorrectly.