Borderless Window Help

Yeah, that sucks, but you can turn off that image toolbar that comes up when you leave the mouse over a big picture.

I like that feature, you can add a snippet of code to your page to prevent that :slight_smile:

Canā€™t think of the code right now though.

It is a META tag.

thanks for the quick replyā€¦ i think i will just have to allow some extra room to make it seem like it is centeredā€¦thx again


Yes if that is what you are trying to do is make it centered, you can do thisā€¦

Create your image with a white border on the left side of itā€¦ I would say with at least 3 inches of left white border. The picture will then look like it is centered and the white border will mix into the background of the browser window

Hope it helps

Lost in Beta. It is a Meta Tag. Here is the tag to turn off the image toolbar

< meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" >

without the spaces after and before the angle brackets

Ah, yesā€¦ I had it saved in a file on my comp, but I didnā€™t feel like searching for itā€¦lol.

I donā€™t use it. I should though.

I use it only for this company that wants security on their website. I explained to them that there is no such thing as true security, however he wants as much as possible. At one point in time. I made the website so ā– ā– ā– ā–  secure, you could not even print the pictures from the webpage itselfā€¦ lol (They werenā€™t too happy)

I am in the middle of working on an Active-X script that will remove all of the temporary internet files from each page as you exit each page. I donā€™t mind doing the work if they are paying for it. =)

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LOLā€¦ good luck on that Active X script.

I would learn thatā€¦ but I donā€™t want toā€¦LOL.

I donā€™t know that much about it but I asked around and was told the only language anyone knows that can do that is active-X and of course it will only work for Internet Explorer, not any other browser.

I am always willing to learn though.

Check out the website. Let me know what you think for 1 weeks worth of work.

Also, please let me know whether or not you can get to the website. Thanks

Yes, I can get to the site just fine. I was the one that helped you with the pop up problem remember :slight_smile:

Pretty good for a weeks worth.

I had an active x script to close a browser window without getting the ā€œWindow trying to closeā€ alert in IE. It worked greatā€¦ up until IE 6 SP1ā€¦grrr.

Yeah I remember you helping me. Everything works great now. However, a lot of people cannot get to the web site. They get to instead. The ISP for this company tells me that it is because other ISPā€™s have not updated their DNS servers and that there is nothing that they can do. They said that I should call these ISPā€™s that these people cannot see the web site from and tell them to update their server. We are talking about hundreds of people all across the world. Some from Vietnam. Japan, etc etc etc. There has got to be another way to get the DNSā€™s updated.

Anyway, that is why I was asking if you could still get to the web site.

Hmm, that sounds kind of ridiculous. I believe all ISPs update their DNS like every 48 hours or so. I could be wrong though.

That sucks man :frowning:

I thought so too. The web sites are supposed to be throughout the world within 72 hours. That has been known to me for the last 5 years. All of a sudden I go with a new ISP and now Ā½ of the people cannot see this web site. You want ot hear something really screwy. I had a client on the phone who has a network in his house. On this network he has a Laptop and a Desktop both going out the same cable internet connection via a linksys router. Neither of his machines had been to the web site before, however his desktop was unable to get to the web site. He kept getting instead, which is where the web site was originally purchased. His laptop was able go to the web site no problem. I had to try to explain this to him.

The best way I could think of what was going on is that both machines receive an IP address. Each machine is taking a different route to try to get to the server and he is not actually reaching the server with the web page but instead is reaching router cache.

In actual reality, I didnā€™t have a clue to what was going on and that is my best guestimation. The only thing is. No matter what the IP address, both computers are on the same network, and are going to the same gateway. Each computer should be using the same DNS server from their ISP and if one of them was seeing it, the other should have been seeing it.

Weird. He did finally decide to open it up again Ā½ hour into the conversation and was able to get to the web site on his desktop.

Hmmmm, that is really weird.

I really donā€™t know what to tell you, that is incredibly screwey. If both his laptop and desktop were hooked up to the same router which was going out, then there really is no reason it should work for one, but not the other.

And the IP would be given out by the ISP, which means that no matter what the IP was, if it didnā€™t work on one, it shouldnā€™t have worked on the other. I would think.

You might want to consider changing hosts :-\

WEll the IP is given out by the ISP, however it is given to the Linksys Router. The Router in turn gives each computer on the Network and IP address.
That is how it makes it look like one connection. But the Gateway for the Router is the same, therefore the same ISP internal network is the same and the everything that both computers are using is the same all the way up to just past the outer gateway to the internet then they are free to have each individual router on the internet tell them which way is best to take in order to reach their destination. So the problem has to be on the internet. It had to be. One of the IPā€™s had to take a different pathway then the other and ended up at a server/router that had not been updated. That is the only thing that I can think of.

Unfortunately, I tried to go with a better ISP. This company would not hear of it. They like to deal in BarterCard international trade. It is a form of currency that certain businesses will take for payment.
This currency usually ends up costing you about .05 - .50 on the dollar. You just have to know what you are doing in order to get it that way.

This was one of the more professional outfits that I had found that accepts this currency. So we are stuck with them. I canā€™t see it being their fault anyway and they are right, they donā€™t have control over when other people update their servers but there should be something they can do about it. What are we paying for. To have the web site up on the internet and half of the people that go there canā€™t see it?

All too trueā€¦

I have never heard of BarterCard international, sounds interesting though.

They do everything on what is called Trade currency. IT costs aroud $650.00 to get in and they give you a line of credit of a $1000.00 trade that you can spend or not. You put up your services for full trade. You could build web sites on trade and earn big bucks doing so. Letā€™s say you charged T$7500.00 (the T stands for trade) for buiding the pages to someoneā€™s website. You only invested your time in that and not actual monies. Therefore, the only money you have involved in this is $650.00. Take $650.00 and divide that by $7500.00. You now have $.08 cents invested in your trade dollars. Now, you cannot go down to the super market and purchase groceries with your trade, so if you are looking for a short term investment return, this is not for you, however, you can purchse plently of plots of land on full trade. you can purchase a $200,000 piece of land on full trade. This means if you had built up T$200,000.00 and you initially only started out with $650.00 cash you would have invested $0.00325 cents for that piece of land you just bought. You can also purchase used cars on full trade as well as Boats, personal cars that people are selling, Services, Food Scripts so you can eat at restaurants. Now, be warned before you get in. If you do not ahve a good trade coordinator, you will find it very difficult to spend your trade dollars because that person will not communicate with you, however if you do have a good trade coordinator, you will find it very easy to spend your dollars. If you are interested in learning more send me an e-mail through this website

Just go to the contact us button.

That doesnā€™t sound like the kind of thing for me.

Sure it sounds greatā€¦ but not my type of thingā€¦

Yeah, I was going to do it myself and even tried but I cannot put parts on full trade because I cannot get them on full trade. That means I would be putting out $Cash for parts (computer repair) and receiving trade for them. I told them that the trade clients would ahve to purchase their own parts. They didnā€™t like that. The wanted me to purchase the parts. I ended up not doing business with them.

That sucks :-\

However, when I get more time, I will do the webpage design only on full trade. That will bring in a lot of business. I have been watching all of this for about 1 year now and I have seen businesses that just start get engulfed in business for trade. You can earn trade money real quick for just time. The key is if you donā€™t have a good trade coordinator, get another one that is good.

You can even put your down payment on your house on trade. 40% down on a $50,000 - $1,000,000 house on trade and the rest in cash.

WOW! It takes nothing with the business that we are in to earn quick trade money. That is what I am going for.

I have been trained though, on how to trade correctly. Most people that get in are not.