Bubblegum crisis 2040 low poly model (3dMax)

I’ve been working on this over the last couple of days trying to finish off a half finished model from a while back. I’ve pretty much done the UV mapping and now it’s on to the texturing. C:-)

I’ve favoured finishing off an old model rather than pursuing an idea I posted here last week, basically because of time.

Comments and crit welcome. I don’t mind if you take it apart with a fine comb, but just remember it’s not textured yet! :slight_smile:

polycount: 3372

i like it so far, cant wait to get textures. but when are you going to add feet

yah the top looks good, but the legs seem a bit weird :-\ Show us what its like with the textures :slight_smile:

he has to make them first.

wow… thats awsome! :slight_smile:
post a pic of the original character!

i think he makes them up…not sure though. shesh i am like a spokes person here. lol.

It’s not my character this time. Its taken from the Anime series Bubblegum crisis 2040. The feet are a little hard to see from that angle, but she does have them. It’s just the style really. I used some reference material from an art reference site.

here’s another view that shows the feet better:

ok i see now. you even modeled the back! wow! looks good, i didnt relize that it was like a “pant” was over the front. well cant wait to see it finished!

i like the bubblegum crisis chars, and i think you’ve done a good job with it so far :slight_smile:

textures will really add to it as well, and animation would always look cool too

Update: - Partly textured :wink:

that’s awesome! real cool!

wow - is UV mapping easy to do in 3ds ??? I’m having a really hard time doing it in c4d…

well I don’t know if is “easy” but I can’t think of an easier way right now… :slight_smile:

thats starting to look really good!

I find mapping UV’s to be the most challenging part, but I think that would hold true for most 3D apps. Just requires a bit of patience :slight_smile:

Mostly finished I think. I uses a bit of artistic license with the texturing. Linna’s suit was originally green and pink, but I think green and yellow work better together.

The joints… all joints deform how I wanted except the hips and the shoulders. The shoulders I could spend a few more polys on, but the hips I think I’ll have to adjust the rigging itself. Because I don’t have alot of time to spend at the moment I won’t be fixing the deformations and animating it. :frowning:

that looks so cool! :slight_smile:
were u making this model for a game?

thats so cool! you should try high poly! that would be crazy what you could do! this just looks great, colours work well, and the mecha look was displayed b-e-a-utifly!

awesome… i love it