I’ve been working on this over the last couple of days trying to finish off a half finished model from a while back. I’ve pretty much done the UV mapping and now it’s on to the texturing. C:-)
I’ve favoured finishing off an old model rather than pursuing an idea I posted here last week, basically because of time.
Comments and crit welcome. I don’t mind if you take it apart with a fine comb, but just remember it’s not textured yet!
It’s not my character this time. Its taken from the Anime series Bubblegum crisis 2040. The feet are a little hard to see from that angle, but she does have them. It’s just the style really. I used some reference material from an art reference site.
ok i see now. you even modeled the back! wow! looks good, i didnt relize that it was like a “pant” was over the front. well cant wait to see it finished!
Mostly finished I think. I uses a bit of artistic license with the texturing. Linna’s suit was originally green and pink, but I think green and yellow work better together.
The joints… all joints deform how I wanted except the hips and the shoulders. The shoulders I could spend a few more polys on, but the hips I think I’ll have to adjust the rigging itself. Because I don’t have alot of time to spend at the moment I won’t be fixing the deformations and animating it.
thats so cool! you should try high poly! that would be crazy what you could do! this just looks great, colours work well, and the mecha look was displayed b-e-a-utifly!