Can you make a picture's edges rounded?

I mean like roundes rectangle shape, can you do that to a normal picture? If yes, how?

useing photshop?

if so try this

select all ( ctrl +a )

then go to selections > mondify > smooth

then just insert how much u wanna smoothen out the edges (i say at leaste 25 or summit)

then u can simple cut it out or just copy and paste to where ever you want.

there might be a filter which does it as well or sumthing simalre i dunno i dont use filters much. but try that if you got ps

<<<king spammer
Desire you’re the bomb! I’ve been trying to figure that out for sooo long! :lol:

lol im always playing around witht them slection options there realy niffty even if you just need to expand or contract a pixel or 2.

well glad i could help.

nice tip! didnt know that :stuck_out_tongue:

BTW, ur footer smilies are hilarious :lol:

might want to also consider using a mask since its non-destructive (you wont be deleting any of your image so if you change youre mind and want smaller rounded corners, it wouldnt be as hard to change)

yep sen a mask and using vector shapes to get the rounded shape as your mask.

its actually insanely easier with Fireworks. If you have that, you might want to use it to add rounded edges instead.

how insane is it sen?

Its SOOO insane… that even those without computers have no problems doing it at all! :wink: buh-dump-tshhh



I would recommend a mask. And the paste inside option in FW is much easier.

see, 3D agrees :wink:

Uhm maybe he’s talking about the actual edges… and since jpgs don’t support transparency, no can do…
