Check my site

Take a look tell me what ya think. 8]

Well I’m going to tell you what you probably don’t wanna hear, but it’s for your own good. Here are some things I noticed:

  1. It’s obvious you designed this site on a 1024x768 or higher resolution so there isn’t a probably since I’m on 1024x768, but what about people on 800x600? About 1/4 of your page is going to be cut out so keep that in mind.

  2. Why is your layout so big? You don’t have that much content anyways besides the wallpapers you obviously stole somewhere. I think you can reduce the size of your layout down dramatically and it would look a lot better.

  3. I noticed that your preloaders don’t exactly work right, the bar would go about half way then all of a sudden the sections would load.

Overall, I think you still have a lot of work to day and try to come up with an original theme and use your own graphics instead of stuff from the internet, it makes your site look unprofessional. Keep those things in mind and good luck. =)

TNX for the reply I am currently working on my second site. going to redesign it. and make it somewhat smaller

point 1 :
people with a resolution off 800*600 SUCK!!!

hahah well I’m on 1024x768, but I know there’s still a lot of people using 800x600 so you’ll have to keep that in mind if you want to build a good site that everyone will like. =)

point 1
people with a resolution off 800*600 SUCK!!!

I was always told that you need to design for the lowest spec, if it doesn’t work for everyone then there’s no point in designing it.



I am going only for a particulair group namely the people that don’t


that’s very close minded…plus you might want to lower the res of those background images that you grabbed from FFX…they are just too big, I am on a DSL connection and the still load slowly, not to mention the fact that there is nothing else in said page loading…:-\

nice look otherwise…

oh…btw…you might want to create an overState for your custom cursor…

ahhh electrongeek has mentioned it all…

*Originally posted by 350z *
**ahhh electrongeek has mentioned it all…
:beam: **

haha sorry 350z, next time I’ll leave some stuff back for you to critique on. :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by T-O *
**point 1 :
people with a resolution off 800
600 SUCK!!! **

People who design thinking everyone has the best of the best suck.

Sorry… I take offense of people telling me I suck and I am not worth being a viewer of your site because I can’t afford a new monitor.

Everything else has been stated.

over 50% of website visitors use 800x600 resolution.

By T-O’s statement, over half of the internet users in the world suck…

tell that to a client… I dare you…


the real world called, wants you to check in…


HAHA,…reminds me of that SNL skit…

Hey Reverend!..the 80’s called they want their joke back!:trout:


come on ppl

Who of you have 800*600

And please I have a Pc with a PI 233 and it run with a resolution of 1024*768.

I run on 800x600…

and because you run on a higher res…doesn’t mean you design better sites…I had a look and I would say you shouldn’t really be shouting to loud…

Tell you what design a site that can only be seen on 1024x768 and no other and make it something original and then I’ll listen to your mindless babblings…


I am going to say…It looks like you have alot of potential (depending on how long you’ve been messing w/ flash) but, i would say maybe…putting your imagination into it a little. not using other artists work maybe?
anyway…its not too bad, but it needs work as EG said.
and…i know it hurts to design for 800 X 600…im the same way, i cant stand my res. like that…but, its reality…alot of people have it, you gotta do it, or its just not worth it.

*Originally posted by T-O *
**come on ppl

Who of you have 800*600

And please I have a Pc with a PI 233 and it run with a resolution of 1024*768. **

I use 800x600, and so does between 50-60% of the web viewers around the world.

Just because you have 1024x768 doesn’t mean everyone must have that.

But you can keep your site that big if you want, if you don’t mind losing about 50-60% of your viewers (with the exception of those 800x600ers that are willing to constantly scroll left and right, up and down just to read content)

look i din’t say I make good site’s and I didn’t say that ppl with 800*600 reso make bad site’s.

All I sayed was that ‘YOU!’ suck :eye:

and this an’t the best of mine I made I like 3 years ago only havn’t bean designing for a while but I am picking it up again.

3 year a go I was 13 so give me a break

And before you say that it sucks even for a 13 year old kid I didn’t even know what a computer was untill I was 10


so it’s personal then?

you might wish to reword your statements (in your opinion)…


I never said your site sucked… I just stated I was offended when you stated that I “sucked” because my monitor wasn’t as good as your monitor.

And I didn’t even touch a computer until I was 15/16 (which was about 3 years for me)

Age has nothing to do with design though. <-- I believe he was 13.

Note: Sorry, he is 14

Allright I checked your site and I have a few comments:

  • The colors are a bit simple, but that’s my opinion
  • Where’s has my mouse gone? I like the Windows one…
  • When you click a button you’re unable to return to the main menu while it is loading (You’ll probely say 56k modems suck but…)
  • The Images you let load are rather big. Because the Webdesign section loads very long…

The rest is pretty ok, you’re doing a good job…