Check this OUT! (destructable terrain)

Cool deal bit…

I see you understood the concept of those grey boxes then? Or did you use something different for that?

Yeah… The finished layout of mine will be at around 550 x 450… I just amde it smaller so I wouldn’t have to mess around with too many things… Expanding it to a larger size isn’t going to be hard and neither is putting everything into mation and stuff…

I already helped someone out with the shooting algorithms and stuff like that… I can just copy and paste my own code to use in it :slight_smile:

Take it easy man,

btw… If you gte the chance… I’d love to ask you if you could help me come to a conclusion about this isometric design concept I’m having… For collision detetction in it…

Thanks Again

actually, i didn’t use any extra boxes or anything. i just drew the shape in an empty movie clip, then did a hit test against the “bomb’s” position. then did some math to find out where it hit and what point to move down.

source here:

Nice job, Playamarz :slight_smile:

Yeah… I see…

Hmm… Doesn’t .hitTest do the boundry boxes? Or did you do a hitTest against the general location of all the points inside of the movie land clip?

I would check out the .fla but I don’t have flahs on this computer… My truck’s brakes went out… SHIBBY! hehehe…


i draw the shape inside a movie clip called “land”
then i can do a hitTest like:

land.hitTest(bomb._x, bomb._y, true)

this sets the shapeflag to true, which checks the actual shape, not bounding box.


No fake?!?!

d00d… Thanks for informing me for that now… GEEEZZZ

lol… That’s cool though… I can decrease the code of this for a while…

Peace Out

When testing for the true shape, and not just the bounding box, doesn’t that make the movie more processor intensive? Just a word of caution…

Nice job Playamarz :slight_smile:

Nice trick, Bit. :slight_smile: And Jubby, I have no idea. But you can test the speed of both commands very easily with a timer if you really want to know.

pom :crazy:

heh, this is at bit-101’s lab section too :stuck_out_tongue:

one of the newest additions :smirk:


I inspired him to recreate it…


Actually… When you think about it…

It couldn’t be too much mroe intensive than say…

20 hitTests on those grey boxes… And when expanding to a wider movie… At 650 pixels with 10 pixel intervals… That’s 65 hitTest / frame…

That’s gotta be slower than one trueform hitTest… Wouldn’t you say… Thanks for the tip bit.
