Chew on this


You may be oversimplifying this just a bit…

I think Sintax knows how to increase the frame rate…


i offered my advice, albeit simple. If you have further knowledge, share it with us, good rev. How else are smooth tweens achieved? Enlighten those who apparently know nothing…

Good Maj:

I did not mean to infer that I knew how to accomplish what sintax asked in the first thread. I just thought you stated something which was pretty obvious by the question asked.

If I am wrong, then please work up a quick example to explain how simple this is.

Don’t take things so personally, I said nothing about your intelligence, or anything for you to take offense at.


You have arrived after the death of the Flash Framerate Experiment. wallow in sorrow :*(

Morse wanted to know why his animations are not as smooth as others that he sees. How you think syntax comes into this is beyond me… (i am a bonehead) (-:

BTW: oversimplify is a crummy word anyway. Who wouldn’t want things to be ‘too easy’? :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Majeye *
Witness the Flash Framerate Experiment .

Morse wanted to know why his animations are not as smooth as others that he sees. How you think syntax comes into this is beyond me…

BTW: oversimplify is a crummy word anyway. Who wouldn’t want things to be ‘too easy’? :stuck_out_tongue:

look at the first thread in this post by sintax… “How in hell did this become so smooth. Is it the framrate or what? Is this all done in flash or what? Enlighten me on haw to become this good”

your example is insulting. Of course we know that when the frame rate of a movie which has a couple of symbols is increased, the tween is smoother. The smoothness of tweens has a lot of different factors which can make it less smooth, and sintax was asking if anyone knew how this guy’s smoothness is acheived. By simply replying “frame rate” and condescendingly saying “Flash default is 12fps” (almost everyone here knows that) your answer was a bit oversimplified. Simply increasing the frame rate will not globally make the tweens smooth.

Since this is a learning forum, I was just trying to point out that simply increasing the frame rate will not guarantee a smooth tween. Otherwise, just publish @ 60fps, and have DVD quality animations.

You help a lot of people here, and have a lot of artistic talent as well. I am not trying puff out my chest, or even trying to get into a discussion on this. You will get no flames from me.


<b>puts on sunglasses</b>

I´ll bring the burguers and marshmellows!


Okay, so syntax was the first one to ask. Ill give you that one. Excuse me for trying to offer my advice. Before i came to this forum, the thought had not occured to me that changing the frame rate has a large impact on the smoothness of your animations. duh. To assume that this is common knowledge to eveyone here is to assume that we are all as experienced as one another. What i suggested, is the first step towards a smooth animation. Although other factors are at work, no one has pointed them out. I pointed out the obvious in an attempt to help someone, and you made me feel inferior, because i do not have as great of understanding of the program like the almighty rev.

spread the hate…

sarcasm doesn’t become you, Majeye.

Sintax had asked about the frame rate in the starting thread. Therefore, your statement was redundant, and your explaination made it sound simple to create the smoothness of this site .

If you felt inferior, I apologize. It was not meant as condescending in any way. As i said before, don’t take it personally, nothing was meant in a personal way.

I hope that’s a joke about the hate…

Are we cool about this?


the smoothness of the aforementioned site was a result of the flashers vision of the site, became what it was through hard work and required a lot of time and effort. I should have made that clear before i suggested that increasing the fps results in a smoother animation.

i shall have to work at dotting my t’s and crossing my i’s, around you…

at the risk of sounding redundant, redundancy, has the tendancy of being redundant.


::heads off to the [SCORLAFTSPOCP](Spontaneous Creation of Ridiculously Long Acronymns For The Sole Purpose of Confusing People) website::

Hey, sorry guys, might have been my fault when I wondered how to get the tweening smoother.

Anyway, who cares? I just suck at it lol. :slight_smile:

You old… I swear… Thats my mouth! Mymph. Cough. Agg dont step there! Thats important! Crunch owwww you little… That was my ear!

they´re really good.

If I have know this before I would have eaten my own brains… taps my head wait! They´re mine!!! ARRRGGGHHHH!!!:o

Wel, I don´t use them anyway. Pass me the salt!
