**** chicks

so i tell my girl im just stayin local tonight cuz i ddint wanna hang with her. whats the odd’s that out of all the bars in NY, i go to the one where she’s at??

hahah it’s bound to happen sooner or later. :stuck_out_tongue:

Say you came looking for because you missed her so much :beam:

  • Soul :s:

*Originally posted by Soul *
**Say you came looking for because you missed her so much :beam:

  • Soul :s: **

haha yeah and to make it sound even more believable, tell her you used your psychic abilities to find out that she’s at the bar at that exact moment. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh shush EG :P:P

Tht might be pushing the boundaries of credibility, EG. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Digitalosophy *
**so i tell my girl im just stayin local tonight cuz i ddint wanna hang with her. whats the odd’s that out of all the bars in NY, i go to the one where she’s at?? **

Now that sucks, but why did you have to lie? dont you guys trust eachother that you can just say i wana hang out with the guys today, it owuldve been so much simpler, besides its not like she wasnt going out to have fun by herself

ouch that sucks…what did she say?

click … [sound of dial tone] …
“if you’d like to make a call, please hang up and try again”

there’s NO good way outta that one - rotsa~ruck -

digital, that’s rude and you’re lying which is a pet peeve of most of the girls i know. ****, if i don’t wanna hang with my boy, i just say “i’m hanging out with rachelle tonite” or something like that and he tells me he’s hanging with his roommate, or other people. there’s no need to lie, it’s normal not to want to spend all your days with one person.

lmao you guys are too funny

*Originally posted by pinx *
**digital, that’s rude and you’re lying which is a pet peeve of most of the girls i know. ****, if i don’t wanna hang with my boy, i just say “i’m hanging out with rachelle tonite” or something like that and he tells me he’s hanging with his roommate, or other people. there’s no need to lie, it’s normal not to want to spend all your days with one person. **

this girl is insane, so yes there is need to lye :slight_smile:


hey yer goin’ for da record huh

  • even your topic title is gonna piss off all the girls/ladies here :!:

good luck HansSolo :wink:

*Originally posted by pinx *
**digital, that’s rude and you’re lying which is a pet peeve of most of the girls i know. ****, if i don’t wanna hang with my boy, i just say “i’m hanging out with rachelle tonite” or something like that and he tells me he’s hanging with his roommate, or other people. there’s no need to lie, it’s normal not to want to spend all your days with one person. **

yeah very true if you spend alot of time with a person the relationship can get pretty boring, so its good to have like 1 or 2 days a week to hang out with da guys like a guys only night u know, anyways did she tell you she was going out?? if she didnt then you shouldnt worry cause you both lied lol

Ouch, you’re screwed man ! What did you tell her so far, maybe it’s not too late to avoid :stuck_out_tongue:

Say you got bored local and went out for a drink.

*Originally posted by grimdeath *
**yeah very true if you spend alot of time with a person the relationship can get pretty boring, so its good to have like 1 or 2 days a week to hang out with da guys like a guys only night u know, anyways did she tell you she was going out?? if she didnt then you shouldnt worry cause you both lied lol **

well she didnt have the chance to tell me, cuz i wouldn’t pick up the phone :hat:

but after some screaming and yelling, everythng seems to be ok now.

hope you guys enjoyed me silly chick problems:) back to flash now