I feel for you too m_andrews
My gf and i just broke up. we were going out for 1 1/2 years, so not as long as you. She really felt like the one… She meant the world to me…
We spent a lot of time together when we started going out, and were so close.
She goes to a different uni to me now, and we didn’t see eachother for a while. We saw eachother over christmas and easter and had a really good time. but when she came back for the summer things just werent the same. She was acting really cold towards me, and didn’t want to spend time with me. I tried my best, but there was nothing I could do. She said she still loved me, and cared for me, but was finding the long distance too hard.
She shut me out to cope with not seeing me for so long, and didn’t want to open up to me again to avoid getting hurt again when she went back to uni.
I was really looking forward to seeing her, and was arranging all this stuff for us to do over the summer. We didn’t do any of it
She spent that time with her Uni friends. And I haven’t done much because I tried to keep my time free to see her, the last couple of weeks I haven’t done much cos my friends are away, and my work hasn’t needed my overtime…
Her home friends (who I know too) feel like they are being ignored by her, they have hardly seen her. And when they have seen her she’s been with her uni friends.
She made a big thing about seeing her home friends before we broke up, but she just spent that time with her uni frineds…
I was really worried about her this week cos none of my text messages have been getting through. I was worried that something bad had happened cos she never left her phones off cos her friends always text her. I left a message on her home phone. Her mum phoned me back and told me she went on holiday, and she had only told them just before she left the country. They haven’t heard from her, so dont know if she’s safe. I talked to her mum, and her parents feel abandoned by her too, they’ve hardly seen her.
She has just thrown away our relationship, and I felt that we really had something together. Her home friends feel like she doesn’t want to see them. And her parents feel abandoned by her…
I’ve changed my view of her now, and its taken a few weeks after we broke up to see it. I think that she’s selfish and inconsiderate, and foolish in the way that she is so brash in giving up her longterm relationships that she had for so long, for new experiences that will probably be short lived. Does she expect us all to be here when she comes running back when something goes wrong?
I feel that I can move on now. But I know its going to be hard when she tries to be my best friend. Harder still when she goes out with someone else. I do still want to be her friend, but right now I need to move on, it hurts too much thinking about her, and remembering how good things were.
I doubt i’ll ever go out with her again. Things will never be the way they were when they were good… I need to move on, there is someone right for me out there. I just dont know who they are, and when I’ll meet them…