... three years later she walks away

eeurgh… I split with my girlfriend last night, she’s gone back to her parents in South London leaving me on my own in an area where I have few friends.

She needed her independance back, we’d been living in each other’s pockets for nine months struggling to make ends meet and it seems to have proven too much.

after three years of the best relationship I’ve ever had, I watched her walk away last night. gutted. :*(

thats really harsh man. Im sorry to hear it.

It’ll be a tough time for you just now, m - it must hurt.

However, there’s lots of us been there and for the huge majority life takes us forwards to places you don’t know exist yet - that includes relationships you’ve yet to have - and you will have.

It’s good to mourn and remember - it sounds as though circumstances no longer supported the relationship, so don’t be too hard on yourself.

You’ll be fine - and I promise you WILL meet someone else in the future who will be special.

Hang in there man

*Originally posted by Cello *
**You’ll be fine - and I promise you WILL meet someone else in the future who will be special. **
True that. At least you can look at other people now and not feel guilty :crazy:

Not meant to bring more pain, but to show sympathy.

I’ve got a reservation for one at the HeartBreak Hotel.

With a bed like my heart; room for two & room for you.

But I’ll be staying here all alone.

And once you check in you never check out.

Only hope to get moved to a room with a better view.

The windows are unlocked.

You’re free to jump.

But all the rooms are on the first floor.

To better days,


thanks peeps,

we both agreed our circumstance had a big factor to play, if we’d had more money I’m sure things would have been very different…

she didn’t rule out the possibility of getting back when we’ve got more money (i.e. when she’s in a full time job) and we both still feel alot towards each other, but I don’t want to make this anymore messy than it already is and I don’t want to keep holding on if it’s just going to lead to being hurt again.

would it be foolish to hang on to what hope is left?

keep your hope, its always a nice thought which can help you keep going. But keep your options open and dont let that hope take over! There are plenty of people out there, whether you just want to have fun or whether you want somthing serious.

I don’t think it’s possible to think rationally right now. I mean even if someone gave yout he best advice out there, you’re still pretty deep in your emotions.

Give it some time to settle out. Take some time to look back at where you two have come from and if there is any chance you might move forward together in the future.

Let your emotions let go of your heart so your head can do some thinking. For me, I write.

Best of luck,

Once you’re over the initial impact of the split, I believe you’ll find it easier not to hang on. But loke EthenM says - let things die down.

Don’t forget her - but don’t wish your life away for her either.

For me, I write too - music!

*Originally posted by EthanM *
**To better days,

I’ll drink to that…

thanks for the advice everyone :love:

I’ve been there done that. Mine was 3 1/2yrs together. Crappy stuff man but the pain will stop.

thats rough bro…

I wish I could sympathize. I made my own bed. I trashed a good thing a little while back and am still regretting it.

Maybe she will feel the same and come back to you.

I feel for you too m_andrews

My gf and i just broke up. we were going out for 1 1/2 years, so not as long as you. She really felt like the one… She meant the world to me…

We spent a lot of time together when we started going out, and were so close.

She goes to a different uni to me now, and we didn’t see eachother for a while. We saw eachother over christmas and easter and had a really good time. but when she came back for the summer things just werent the same. She was acting really cold towards me, and didn’t want to spend time with me. I tried my best, but there was nothing I could do. She said she still loved me, and cared for me, but was finding the long distance too hard.

She shut me out to cope with not seeing me for so long, and didn’t want to open up to me again to avoid getting hurt again when she went back to uni.

I was really looking forward to seeing her, and was arranging all this stuff for us to do over the summer. We didn’t do any of it :frowning: She spent that time with her Uni friends. And I haven’t done much because I tried to keep my time free to see her, the last couple of weeks I haven’t done much cos my friends are away, and my work hasn’t needed my overtime…

Her home friends (who I know too) feel like they are being ignored by her, they have hardly seen her. And when they have seen her she’s been with her uni friends.

She made a big thing about seeing her home friends before we broke up, but she just spent that time with her uni frineds…

I was really worried about her this week cos none of my text messages have been getting through. I was worried that something bad had happened cos she never left her phones off cos her friends always text her. I left a message on her home phone. Her mum phoned me back and told me she went on holiday, and she had only told them just before she left the country. They haven’t heard from her, so dont know if she’s safe. I talked to her mum, and her parents feel abandoned by her too, they’ve hardly seen her.

She has just thrown away our relationship, and I felt that we really had something together. Her home friends feel like she doesn’t want to see them. And her parents feel abandoned by her…

I’ve changed my view of her now, and its taken a few weeks after we broke up to see it. I think that she’s selfish and inconsiderate, and foolish in the way that she is so brash in giving up her longterm relationships that she had for so long, for new experiences that will probably be short lived. Does she expect us all to be here when she comes running back when something goes wrong?

I feel that I can move on now. But I know its going to be hard when she tries to be my best friend. Harder still when she goes out with someone else. I do still want to be her friend, but right now I need to move on, it hurts too much thinking about her, and remembering how good things were.

I doubt i’ll ever go out with her again. Things will never be the way they were when they were good… I need to move on, there is someone right for me out there. I just dont know who they are, and when I’ll meet them…

im sorry man, best of luck to you and a tub of ben & jerry’s as well.

as far as should you hope to get back at all, honestly, this is going to sound brutal, but IMHO you should rule that out in your head for now and concentrate on recouperating. hope in a situation like that just makes things worse IMO. if you are meant to be together, then i am sure you will reunite, but for now, your life has started to take a different path, and you must learn whatever it is you are meant to learn or experience whatever you need to experience with her gone. i am a strong believer in the fact that people are put into our lives for a reason, and they serve a purpose, whether it is showing us love, or teaching us something about ourselves, and they are also taken away when the time is right. call it god, call it fate, call it collective consciousness, call it what you will. but i think that something will come out of this that is good. it may sound like im talking out of my bum, but i speak from years and years of this being proven to me. ah well,
i truely wish you the best man.
one thing that helps me a lot when im down is doing nice things for people, it makes ya feel good. just do some things that make you love life. :smiley:

I dont really like to give the “you’ll find someone else” bit like a lot of people will tell you. Who cares about someone else, yah know - you wanted THAT one. I know how that feels, to let something so good slip so far away.

Best thing I can tell you is that those memories will last a long time. Bad news though is that they’ll last a long time. You have to find the balance in remembering the past, but not dwelling in it.

Some things you shouldn’t let go of, and if you liked this girl so much, I wouldn’t get go of those memories. They were good times, were they not? The only thing I can really say to you is to soldier on.

Wake up tomorrow, because the sun is gonna rise. Go through your day as you normally would, but I’d want to keep busy. Take up a hobby like origami (that’s what I did) - it’ll make you feel a little better.

The pain never goes away, but you get used to it sometimes.

Good luck my man - take it easy

oh i m sorry to hear that man, but i m also undergoing same tension wid my gf these days, if we breakup it will break me up too, it’s an 18 yr old relationship( i m 25 and we were classm8’s-> best frnds ->lovers->2 bodies one soul, too bad order cant reverse now, it can’t be 2 bodies one soul–>lovers–>friends–>classm8 is out of question :stuck_out_tongue: