i made this with 3ds max and photoshop tell me what you think.
click here
Sweet man. We should get into contact. I like your style.
Aim: h4xx02
This is awesome…
Wow, 3dsMax is so powerfull, great
ahh yeah, finally some decent looking 3D work posted, it’s been awhile since I saw something nice made in 3Dmax posted.
I like it, it looks like a metal flower. =)
thank you all for the good coments…
i think its my best 3d work so far.
i like it…
very sexy
Beautiful… Never used 3DSMax before myself, so I have great respect for anyone that can produce this kind of effect. You ought to collaborate with Dan, he’s a genius with that program.
DAmm nice pic
must of taken hours to generate
very cool.
very nice
I dig it.
whoa! nice! man i really gotta start to fire up my max more often :-\ just got outta the groove. wanna tell us how you made the basic shape? just a bunch of splines? i can never get them to work right…looks nice!
i just took a simple plane… and added perfectected noise modifiers and i twisted it a few times in between the noise modifiers…
You use mesh smoothers or no?
Welcome BB member!
dan smacks Sw0L|z with a trout :trout:
yeah mesh smooths… forgot about that…
Sw0L|z smacks dan around with 2 large trout* :trout: :trout:
*Originally posted by senocular *
**very sexy**
first thing i thought as well. I know nothing about 3dmax, (not that I dont wanna learn, just have no time) but. yea man, that’s very beautiful. Me likes.:love:
I KNEW I SAW THAT NAME SOMEWERE! HAHA! hey man welcome… are the bb forums still as slow as they were? i havet been there since the begining of Jan…