
lol, I usually don’t notice it :slight_smile:

I never get involved in modding members :slight_smile:

What real benefit is there to having a regular, non-Super moderator? Moving/editing threads - probably not. Top Secret is probably one of the cooler parts of being a mod, and if they won’t have access to that, they are nothing more than regular members with…edit/move features. If they were to be made mods, how long can they be regular mods without one day becoming full-featured super mods? We have to look at the implications of adding another “social structure” to the forums. If claudio were to be made a moderator, what about sintax? raydred? guig0? alex? mdipi? Most of them are probably already pretty upset that they didn’t get the chance to be included in the recent mod selections.

Claudio seems like excellent help, but we simply cannot mod everyone who shows signs of helping or acting nice. EG, feel free to voice your opinions - you shouldn’t have to back down from making reasonable statements. Should the next time come for picking mods come around, we can consider claudio.

Spam in Random is always a problem, but we have more leeway to get rid of members who spam in Ordered or in any of the non-Talk sections such as Flash MX.

From what I can see, we have enough moderators at this point. Right now there are about 35 people online, and of those 35, about 7 are mods.

Kirupa :rambo: