Okay with the advice i got from some of our fellow kirupaholics i got to work and made some major changes to my site i hope you guys like it, so check it out and post your comments so i can make it better thanks
Okay with the advice i got from some of our fellow kirupaholics i got to work and made some major changes to my site i hope you guys like it, so check it out and post your comments so i can make it better thanks
very nice! like the tunnel effect! one thing - when you click on say, multimedia, the box comes up and then theres links in this box - the text above these links is displaying too small, its barely readable.(btw im on a mac). other than that, nice work man!
strange i see it the same size as the text from the top of that section i dont have my mac here its at work but ill check it out maybe its the pixel font x y coordinates again arrgh thanks for the comments
I like it… but the splash page says best in 800x600 and i still get a scroll bar at the bottom… different though…
:: Daveman
*Originally posted by Daveman *
**I like it… but the splash page says best in 800x600 and i still get a scroll bar at the bottom… different though…
:: Daveman **
thanks man that detail passed me by but i fixed it already thanks :beam:
I like it, very original layout…
Nice concept, I like this new layout more than your old one. =)
thanks EG im glad you like it, now im waiting for unflux and our other forum users killer response lol thanks guys but keep em coming
This one is better, but you need some work on your tunnel
effect and buttons (then mouse is over).
*Originally posted by Lynx *
**This one is better, but you need some work on your tunnel
effect and buttons (then mouse is over). **
what do you suggest for the tunnel??? as for the rollovers i think i fixed them if you meant the glowin white which wasnt fully accurate over the icons and i also fixed the pixel embedded problem i was having forgot to embed the fonts for the icons and the loading thanks all for helping me better my website neeed more opinions so dont hold back but dont say it sucks and if you do say why and what i can do to make it better :beam: thanks all
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