Hi all,
If you head on over to www.ezboard.com , you’ll notice that this site can be found under the community showcase section on the left. It’s number 4, and this is the 2nd time this forum has been given that recognition. (Note, this is merely an attempt by Ezboard to reward Gold Communities and is not a standard of quality, etc. ) Cool nonetheless haha!
That is really cool Kirupa. Do they inform you of this honor or do you have to find it by accident? Your name…in lights! Sequin gloves, dark sunglasses and silken underwear. It’s all coming your way soon! That is really really cool K! When you get your first appearance on Opra Winfrey can I come along and pretend to be your waterboy on stage? Pleeeeeze? Way a lot cool neighborino! Iddly Diddly. (Said with Ned Flanders type voice)
I’d use it. The forum I mentioned before, KIR is hardly above or below using such information when doing media spin for the site. I know we don’t want to have too large a community, but I am finding, with this latest insurge of people, that there are more and more of the middle level programers here. We are all benefiting from it.
If I were you Kirupa, I’d use the feature in “my control panel” to send out an email to every registered user. That is, everyone who has an ezboard account who ever posted here. Bring back any stragglers who got lost because of a missed answer, or whatever other reason.
Especially at this key time when you’re concidering going over to another type of message board.
Hmm, curses! I banned myself wondering what would happen. Well, strangely enough I got banned. So I quickly unbanned myself. In response, I lost my adminstrator status for the forums. I am merely a mod…I cannot access the My Ezboard section of the Control Panel Now, I am royally in trouble…
I am curious, as many others might be I am sure, of the infraction you committed that caused you to ban yourself in righteous selfless judgement. You must have done something rather naughty as to ban yourself from your own community. Was it you that deleted my post asking another post to be deleted? Then seeing my pain and anguish caused in my frail existance, committed harry carry upon your own username? I am sure this could be the case, but is it? What a pure tender conscience you must have! :rollin:
‘Defending the indefensible’ ‘Banning the unbannable’ Expressions of a true hero and pure of heart! O, Live forever King Kirupa! Live forever!*
Hello all,
I got re-instated almost immediately. Phil, what post are you talking about? (xfiles.mid) I posted in the help forum, and I’m back able to access the files. I was in a temporary lapse of judgment; I wanted to know what would happen if I banned myself; kinda like a student expelling himself from school.
It seems to be all coming together now! Kirupa comes out and ‘claims’ he has banned himself from his own Admin status. (Likely story, who would ever…) and then one of Philly’s posts mysteriously disappears with no takers. The post asking for anothers deletion was deleted. Philly is crushed almost beyond repair. And Kirupa is here with the perphect, I was banned from my own board buddy talk, couldn’t have been me speech. Then after it comes to light Kirupa NOW has his magical kingdom powers back in hand.
Whaddya think Davey? Think Kirupa could ever be this phunny? Is it in him? (Gatorade that is) But now we must phind who dunnit! (the Clue game background music playing hard and swift here) The top suspect I think as it sits, is; Kirupa. Who did it with the mouse, while in the control panel. Whats everyone elses opinion on this? Doesn’t it seem that Kirupa was trying to make an alibi for the VERY time my post asking another post be deleted was deleted? It would ‘appear so’ And HOW many times has THAT happened? Hmmmmm, evidence is looking bad here K! Konphession will still be accepted up until 10pm.
:lol: he is curiously absent isn’t he? Hmmmmmmmm. Could have been Pom, who did it with the French Mouse, Sauvae Phair, whos everywhere, while in Paris. It has possibilities, but what about the odd circumstance of Kirupa for this brief moment in time, of deletion oddity’s, of being 'banned from his own boards? And then posting such a silly thing to do, while all of this happens, and when it comes to light he magically has his powers back which you said take a week or so to get back. Sounds kind of unbelievable, doesn’t it? The mystery deepens. Who dunnit?
pheeling so deleted lately—
Hmmmm (said while lighting my Sherlocke pipe)
Hmm, I believe all of this happened shortly after Phil got his mod-powers. I believe that Phil is behind this conspiracy…for example, notice how he is the first one to point out the deleted posts, and notice that he cannot account for his whereabouts when this happened. As some guy in a milk carton once said, “the guilty dog barks first”. (plays phil_bark.mp3)
Ack! Time for Walker Texas Ranger on USA Networks. If anyone can get to the bottom of this mystery (which everyone knows Phil did) Walker will know! =)
Hey, I don’t know what you’re talking about !! I was quietly watching France struggling not to be eliminated at the time of the crime. It’s not me, Walker, I swear !!
Mod powers? Whats that? Me? Im honored, but how do I use these new found powers that I have? I have nothing here but a vacuum of ignorance for technical stuff? Kirupa, are you sure?
Got it with the NetVac - Kinda neat hunh?
Eat yer heart out Jubbanaut!