A couple of hours ago, I was redirected to a **** site from some gay thing and the computer went crazy, then Norton’s picked up a couple of virus’s, but removed them. After that, the home page on Internet Explorer turned to a blue page with this address: C:\WINDOWS\secure.html
And has this on it.
Detected SPYware! System error #384
Your IP address is XXXXXXXX (It says it). Using this address a remote computer has gained anaccess to your computer and probably is collecting the information about the sites you’ve visited and the files contained in the folder Temporary Internet Files. Attention! Ask for help or install the software for deleting secret information about the sites you visited.
Your computer is full of evidences!
ISP of transmission: NET
Your IP address: XXXXXXXXXX (It says it)
They know you’re using: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
Your computer is: Windows XP
Risk status for further investigation: VERY HIGH RISK
To protect from the Spyware - click here
To prevent information transmission - click here
To delete the history of your activity, click here
The links take me to this site: http://www.privacyoutpost.com/enter.html?wm=sher
It’s a site with a program that costs $50 and says will protect me.
Now, my question is, should I worry about this? It’s freaking me out because as soon as I change the homepage, it changes right back. It also says I’m using Mozilla, which I don’t. I use MSN Explorer, and sometime IE, but unless MSN is mozilla, then no. I’ve tried Adaware 6 and it found somethings, which it removed, but still the problem remains. I also ran SpyBot search and destroy, which found and fixed some things, but still, the problem remains.
Thanks for your help.
P.S. Don’t ****ing say “Oh what are you doing looking at ****?” because I wasn’t. I clicked on a picture that I found on a google image search, so don’t even think about it or I’ll crack the serious sloppy ****s.