Computer speed

28 - you can do a low level format. Actually when you install XP like a new install. And you delete your partition and create a new one. That should totally nuke everything. Or you can do a DOS format. It is always good to do this on some sort of regular schedule…Backup data and format.

See, I’ve done the new partition thinger and all this other random crap. I’ve searched online and found tutorials and none of them seem to help. So what is the DOS way? Is it like C:// delete or something?

FORMAT …what exactly is being left behind?? I would not suggest doing a dos format unless you know how…or have a good walkthrough in front of you.

Well it hides like half my files in wierd random places. It also keeps all my login name things too. So like after I reformat I’m stilll missing a good 20 gigs of my hard drive.

oh I was not being sarcastic on the “FORMAT” thing. That is the command for it.

wow that is weird! Maybe you need a new HD

I don’t want a new hard drive:*(
I want a computer that works and isnt being held hostage by micro$oft.
oh well, thanks for the info 3d I’m gonna go read up on FORMAT.
'preciate it

3d thats what ghost does? hmm will have to try it! never knew what to use it for.