mdipiRevived = false;
_root.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(mdipi>=1) {
mdipiRevived = true;
delete _root.Phil;
_root.Phil === babbling
for (member in KirupaForum){
function sort(){
if (davidStatement == davidStatement) {
Yeah David, check out my script :evil: I deleted Phil…mmmmwwwaaaahahahhaaa
lol… had to keep the females around for companionship yeah?
It might be fun to do a thread where we only talk in some sort of code… from simple to advanced.
Phil would spam it up nice
Oh wait… I mean… “conversationalize” it
but how does this help my coding prob? i will just post in the AS section, safe from you guys…
Lost, i just saw your post. Thanks.
Dipi: TRY IT AGAIN!! IT WORKS DAMMIT! and yes, thats pretty much the easiest way to get text to type out like that, unless you use a mask…and just move the mask…but that would be using AS…
Yep Jubba, your tutorial is good and the code works too