
Hey Everyone,

I wasn’t really sure where to post this so I am posting it here :-\

This is an effect I did in Flash MX that is a copy off of . It is a close rendition of their mouse follower object, I just wanted to see if I could do it because I thought it was an interesting effect :slight_smile:

I spent very little time on this so it is still a bit buggy, and definite NOT optimized to any point…LOL, but here is what I have so far :slight_smile:

[swf=“ height=300 width=300”][/swf]

Let me know what you think :slight_smile:
Good replica? Bad Replica? Stupid Piece of worthlessness? Any opinions are welcome :beam:

Good replica; really cool :slight_smile: That is a pretty nice effect!

Kirupa :rambo:

Thanks Kirupa :slight_smile:

The text that appears when you hold the mouse down is actually dynamic and typed through AS, I started that because I think I am going to attempt to have user inputted text or text over certain links or such, I am not 100% sure if I am going to try that or not.

Original on h69s part at least :stuck_out_tongue:

It has a lot of original possibilities though if you have a good enough imagination :slight_smile:

u like the elasticy in yours more…

well done Lost! you’ve done it again ol’ Chap!

LOL, done what again?

Great! Very nice effect!


cough[SIZE=1] open source ? [/SIZE]

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

Morse: Do you mean did I get this as open source or am I going to make it open source? Well if it is the first… then no, this is from complete scratch… File/New :slight_smile: If it is the second… then… probably not :-\ It isn’t optimized yet (I suck at that) and the fact that I completely ripped the effect from someone else kinda keeps me from being able to release it as open source of my own I think.

wow thats cool lost, i like that. =)

Its just that I’v never seen elasticity used in AS that I can kindof understand.

take his tut, very good.

lost, how did you type it via as? can you post that part of the code…

Dipi: here’s one way to type things out using AS. its a tutorial made by… ME!

Morse: As Mdipi said… the elasticity I used was what I learned from a while ago.

Mdipi: Jubbas tutorial is awesome :slight_smile:

Jubba: Your tutorial is awesome :slight_smile:

mmmmmmmmm yep :slight_smile:

hmm, i saw this when i was starting out here (jub’s tut that is), didnt understand why ppl want to do anything but tween, so i disregarded it,hmm,now to do it…

hmm, i didnt really get it…isnt there an easyer way? i mean like without all the fancy junk, just to get it to display? it didnt work, i dont think i did it right but i was just wondering.

Man Phil… with that mdipi-- you just subtracted mdipi to 0, since there is only one of him.

Now it is up to me to bring him back


There you go mdipi :slight_smile: