Copyright Police


Can’t say this surprises me much. Just wait until they announce the microchip that is “conveniently” merged with your bank data, credit card stuff and personal info so everything will become “faster”.

And people go “What’s the problem. If you don’t have anything to hide it’s great”. And slowly the lie is enveloping your eyes to the point of you not knowing what is reality and what’s not.

Exactly the way Nazi Germany operated, incidentally.

And people go “What’s the problem. If you don’t have anything to hide it’s great”. And slowly the lie is enveloping your eyes to the point of you not knowing what is reality and what’s not.
the problem is, everyone has something to hide, and its the government who says that

Wow awesome! So now security forces are going to have to watch any home videos I might travel with as they will probably all be on burned DVDs. Oh, and my wife is a musician so I’ll probably be fined for having a burned copy of a CD she made.

I can’t believe that law makers don’t see any problems with this… I’d love to go into a huge political/governmental rant here but I’ll refrain.

i love how they can search you without a warrant or lawyer present


I’m going to start traveling with hundreds of disks, thumb drives and other storage media, all stuffed to the gills with Rick Astley and the Numa Numa guy.

Even though Anogar might not actually do this for real, this exact action would foil any plans Big Brother has to go through your data.

Imagine if they realized their plans then all of a sudden everyone started traveling with 25 burned CDs with copyright free songs, 5 thumb drives with the same content, and all files named in a mysterious fashion (such as song1_b.mp3).

2-3 of those per plane and the whole evil scheme would crumble like Americas prison policy. : )

You could play some funny pranks on security officers by labeling CDs filled with incredibly annoying (but public domain) stuff with the names of random pop-stars.

Part of this is already in force today!! I live in the UK but work for an American corporation. When I visit head office near Chicago, all is fine. However, when I leave the states, staff are empowered to inspect laptops, drives, USBs, etc under export compliance regulations. It means that a file (that may be proprietary to the company) that I bring into the states, may mean my equipment is confiscated when I leave as it breaks the export laws! Add to that difficulty, I work in the airline world and the files I have have detailed analysis of airlines’ operating processes including security processes on the ground and in the air.

Can you imagine the kittens that they’d have when they see those files! Yikes.

Solution is that company is issuing two laptops; one to stay in each country and because of the way Lotus Notes works, both laptops can see the same data without it having to be carried.

^ Wow that really sucks. Imagine if you did business in more than two countries… What then? Have a laptop for each country? And if you didn’t have an office to store the laptop at in whichever country? What a pain in the arse.

This is just the government scurrying to enforce crap because big corporations are not smart enough to embrace the interwebz

Did anyone see the article that the Bush adminstration now has the legal authority to arrest and detain U.S. residents without a warrant? Here’s the link:;_ylt=AgTEAvhNA3GUmX9U4FhHg6Ss0NUE

This isn’t made to be a political statement, but more to point out that once you’ve been declared an “enemy combatant” by the president, you lose all your rights.

Yea, thats terrible…

however, if anything the government said in that article was true (about him training and doing all that stuff) then they weren’t in the wrong.

Lets just hope the government didn’t misinterpret his Yoga classes with Chemical Weaponization Techniques 101

the prisoner would be just one of hundreds of suspected terrorists detained offshore, where the U.S. says the Constitution does not apply.

giggle. I’m so happy I’m leaving the US in less than a year :stuck_out_tongue:

In Soviet Amerika, Ipods seize YOU*!!*

There is a way to remedy this: Click here to learn how!


I just watched Gattaca last night… Maybe I could be held over copyright infringement since my DNA is essentially copyright of someone elses IP…

the noose tightens…

@ biznuge - I think that’s the most intelligent and witty statement I’ve ever observed about IP/DNA/copyright.

Absolutely brilliant!

bleh, just use encryption. Or weak protection. Do you really think they can spend that much time looking at your entire drives, especially if more that 3/4th of the passengers have such devices ?

Not possible.

I’m fairly sure there’d be some ridiculous policy decision regarding encryption and obstruction were this STATE of affairs ever to come to fruition…

But it might be fun for everyone to just encrypt everything, and see how long check in takes then… :thumb2: roflcopter!

booyah for OS X file vault