Please delete me.
2 problems
The trogdor one opens, then it immediately shrinks down to show only the little icon next to the word kirupa.
Also, you put the .swf and not the .fla in the one with the messed up buttons.
Just add stuff to them, no need to change the AS at all (i don’t think).
ok, for some rewason I uplaod a new .zip and it keeps the old one.
So ehre are the source for the EM one
Burninator Source. I don’t know why it is doing the resize??
i’m wotking on a mechanical one (lots of interaction :beam: )
Hey everyone!
I tried adding the styles, but I noticed some last minute discrepancies.
Fluid - changing the background color to something other than white seems quite difficult in vB. Each little template area they have has their own color, and the results of which look quite bad. Would it be possible for you to change your header and footer to have a white background instead?
Aislin - I’ll have pomeg added shortly. Your moon submission is too dark; some of the text is not legible.
EthanM - I am not able to get the links in your header in em_source to work. The trogdor one is great, but I need a footer animation as well
Kirupa :ub:
So you couldn’t make the source for my headers work?
What can I do to fix that?
Working on the burninator footer, I’ll let you know when it’s done.
Would an Eclipse style be appreciated ?
what about the header and footer dimensions? are we allowed to vary the height (since varying the width would undoubtedly cause major probs)
Burninator footer!
And he caame in the niiiighhhttt!!!
Ok I fixed my header and footer.
This one should be ready for a style.
kirupa - just make bg param WHITE (#FFFFFF), works, but climate isn’t as it should… what a pity
hope you’ll like this one 2…
kirupa - what about my style? when shall it be on-line?
and another oine…
i’m outa ideas for now…
Hi Guys,
Well i have been talking to kirupa on pm’s about this style i made, i hope there are not many mistakes in it and hope u guys like it, if add, i would like it to be called ** Sparklez ** by Jasninder, if not then i will probably try something else.Please comment on it, thanks
ok here is my attempt at a Kirupa Style.
How do I specify the body color, like of the forum itself? Or do I?
Wow - looks really stylish red. What color for the background did you have in mind red? Does black sound good? :snug:
Well I think I would want to stick with white, but can other things be changed? such as the message footers (where it says "all times are GMT -6 hours blah blah) I want that to be red.
I was also wondering if you could change the tint that ever other message is in. Currently mine is light blue and white. I think that should be gray.
Now that I really think about the background, it would almost have to be black because the footer and header backgrounds are black.
I don’t know. This is my first style. What do you think?