hi… i screwed up the button code for undead and light (by porpous) on the headers… both are not working, so i re edited the code. Heres the new file so it works!..
thx - will have it updated shortly
Replaced the old files with the new. You may have to empty your cache to see it. If it doesn’t work, I’ll rename the files and point to the renamed version in an attempt to bypass the caching issue
Hey, they work now! Yay.
i dont know if anyone else is having this trouble, but it is not retaining my style choice on logout/login - im using the forums with van gogh, logout, log back in - it resets back to kirupa classic
PR - try changing the style here: http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/profile.php?do=editoptions
The drop-down menu found on all the pages is a temporary cookie variable. Using the above link alters the DB entry for your profile, so that is permanent