I think it depends a lot on what the company does. Maybe you said it but I didn’t see it. I think #1 is good as it gives the implication that technology is involved. With that being said I like #3 much more. If they are a technology company, people will know they work with computers… no nead to beat the obvious with a stick. it also is complex enough to be interesting without being overly complex.
P.S. Don’t listen to what I have to say until tenkuuno approves me not being a graphic design idiot.
i like #4 way better, but i’m afraid i have to agree on what 28 said, on this size it looks great, but if you make it smaller i think there’s just gonna be a grey box. that’s why i think it’s best if you went with #1 or #3, to choose between these to i’d go with #3 (little idea with #3: make opacity of the globe 50% or so, and move the text over it, i think it looks better that way)
Settle down tenkuuno, dont call members idiots, that not the way we go about talking here in kirupa, give your critics/suggestions, but never make anyone feel small.
Your new here so i hope those you called idiots will let that pass.
Regarding the logo, 1 and 3 jumped out at me, i gotta go, when i come back i will give you a better reply.
DataBases are normally depicted in system diagrams as a cylinder so you may want to incorporate this somewhere in the design - e.g. rather than the bounding circle in 1-3. Just a thought.
well, I have a meeting with my client in 3 hours, then he´ll choose, I´ll explain him all the things that are here, that 1 or 3 will look better small or big, etc… he has the last word