Critic this simple logo


I think it depends a lot on what the company does. Maybe you said it but I didn’t see it. I think #1 is good as it gives the implication that technology is involved. With that being said I like #3 much more. If they are a technology company, people will know they work with computers… no nead to beat the obvious with a stick. it also is complex enough to be interesting without being overly complex.

P.S. Don’t listen to what I have to say until tenkuuno approves me not being a graphic design idiot.

i like #4 way better, but i’m afraid i have to agree on what 28 said, on this size it looks great, but if you make it smaller i think there’s just gonna be a grey box. that’s why i think it’s best if you went with #1 or #3, to choose between these to i’d go with #3 (little idea with #3: make opacity of the globe 50% or so, and move the text over it, i think it looks better that way)

Settle down tenkuuno, dont call members idiots, that not the way we go about talking here in kirupa, give your critics/suggestions, but never make anyone feel small.

Your new here so i hope those you called idiots will let that pass.

Regarding the logo, 1 and 3 jumped out at me, i gotta go, when i come back i will give you a better reply.

till then 1, 3 :wink:

Four is cool but the left hand side is hard to read maybe rotate the box more to expose the right face and take off the writing. IMHO

DataBases are normally depicted in system diagrams as a cylinder so you may want to incorporate this somewhere in the design - e.g. rather than the bounding circle in 1-3. Just a thought.

#3 definitely, the simpler the better.
and maybe the blue could be a bit lighter.

I think #3 is the best because of what Majeye said about the scaling and I can imagine #3 in a letter head standing very professional :slight_smile:

3 and 1

well, I have a meeting with my client in 3 hours, then he´ll choose, I´ll explain him all the things that are here, that 1 or 3 will look better small or big, etc… he has the last word :wink:

well let us know what happens…

for a logo #4 may look nice and fancy but it won’t do a bit of good scaled down on a business card - like 28 said - scalable.

#3 is my vote and make that color darker and more stark. I’m glad you went darker than before as it tended to wash out and not grab my attention.

As far as the gradient, I would lose the gradient - in the print world unless you have money for it - the fewer colors the better.