First logo

if i can get it to show up :slight_smile: anybody know of a good tut on forums :stuck_out_tongue: anyway , comments bad or good if you please


for your first logo, its pretty good.
i like the colors, orange and blue go well together
and the little design in the center is very cool
but i think you went a little overboard in making it 3Dā€™ish that it deminishes the quality of it. Like the text with the 3d on it makes it look small and squishy, and you can hardly make out what it says
and as everyone on these forums have said, try makin it smaller, if it goes smaller without being all weird and stuff, then youā€™ve got a good logo, it should be able to work at any size

it looks good but bring it down to 50x50 and see how it looks then, can you still read the text and see the details? if so then it is good, if not then back to the drawing boards my man. also, the scan lines dont look all that greatā€¦

*Originally posted by *
**it looks good but bring it down to 50x50 and see how it looks then, can you still read the text and see the details? if so then it is good, if not then back to the drawing boards my man. **

didnā€™t i just say that?

oppsā€¦forgot to refreshā€¦mybadā€¦

its cool, just dont let it happen again!

lol ok~!

:shakes fist:


does anyone have any suggestions or somewhere i can look ? i see what ya mean by the resizing and all but how can u get it that small and still read it :chinaman:
also thanks for the quick replies. i did away with the 3d look and changed lettering around and you were right it looks alot better and when i resize it , it doesnt look like a ā€œglobā€ :slight_smile: but u canā€™t read the letters

That logo has too many complex details that isnā€™t going to hold at a smaller size. The scanlines will be gone, there is no way that type of font will hold and be readable. Embossed text will never hold when rescaled so keep that in mind.

As for the logo itself, I remember seeing that design many times before so you might want to change it up a bit. Good luck. =)

A good test to see if you have a solid logo is to place it in a two color settingā€¦ black and white being the best so you can also get an idea what it might look like when faxed over.

Like this:

cool thanks, you guys are really helpful on here !! i have learned alot from these forums but still have a long ways to go :beam:
so anyway thanks for all the tips and i guess iā€™ll be buggin yall again soon :wink:

oh ya and i got the idea for middle design from a show on the history channel about crop circles :slight_smile: lmao they had some really awesome designs on it :geek: