Critic this simple logo

I made this logo for a consulting firm that specializes in databases, what u think, it´s too simple, too ugly, great, good, what should I change?? thanks!

I like the second one better. The first one is real blocky, whereas the 2nd one - although still maintaining the blockiness - provides a retreat from that as well as a new color definition (the orange). My 2 cents.

thanks man, I did a couple of changes and make another one :slight_smile: what do u think??


It looks very old-fashioned though. Are you going for that look?

yes, I dont know for sure but #2 has been used before right??

well, yes, it needs to be simple, old-fashioned?? really :h: ? what can I do to improve it??

well the computer icon looks very Apple II and the font is somewhat typical (though I know not the same) of the kinds of mono types that were used then as well.

I definitely like #1 now that you added that highlight effect. I like the 2nd one as well, but it reminds me of Mario or Mickey Mouse because of the hand/glove look. The branding for that type of label is already there so I’d stick with #1.

ok then, make ur choice! :

#4 is actually the one that stands out here in my opinion. Hope it helps. BTW what does the company actually do?

I like 4 too

Four looks nice at that size, but any smaller and it’s just going to be a gray box. I’d go with either 1 or 3, as they are more scalable and just better in my opinion. I like number 1 the most.
Also, monitors are more wide the tall, something you might want to take into consideration


#4! #4! #4! #4!

Jep defenitely 4, nice job!

4 is good, but 1 or 3 make a better logo… the other two would not scale well, and would be impossible to recognize in a small image… Logo’s should traditionally be scalable vector art, viewable and recognizable at all sizes, and even in black and white…

or so i say…

well 4 is cool but if the logo will needed to be printed on a box or a hat or w/e that would be expensive! If that makes any sense, 1 would be the best :slight_smile:

Whoa 4 looks sick as in professional sick :P.

thanks for the replies all! I vote for #4 too but #1 it´s better for printing and it looks good big and small, I guess the last word it´s in the client :slight_smile: I´ll show him the logos and see which one he picks

Don’t pick 4. 4 looks like you just did some stupid *** tutorial and slopped the logo on, do any of the others besides 4…I like 3…simple is better, these guys are all graphic design idiots.