Alright, my dentist’s office is starting to act really unprofessional.
They got my cell-phone number somehow (I didn’t give it to them), and they’ve been calling it excessively to remind me of the appointment I had this morning. Once about a month ago, and then four times yesterday! I had my mom call them up to demand they remove my number from their database. They’ve also sent me three text messages about the appointment. (And it’s not like I’ve ever missed an appointment, ever; I’m usually 25-10 minutes early.)
So when I got there, I was pretty early this time, and whatever. Apparently I had two appointments, first a cleaning or whatever, and then some actual fillings or something because I suck. The first lady hated me and such, but she had a good excuse because my hygiene is crap. But when I was done with her, I had to wait thirty minutes because they suck at scheduling, until I was called back again for the other half of my appointment. During the half-hour, the stupid ladies are talking up front with this customer who apparently does trucking, and one of the employees is talking about her plans to buy a new truck she found for cheaper than Kelley Blue Book, and then she’ll get her husband’s Tahoe.
I was called to the back by the lady who was talking about buying a new truck, and she had a chair and such ready for me, and gave me the sunglasses and bib crap. Except then she stopped preparing to get my stuff done, and instead started browsing eBay … and literally went through the entire process of buying a truck on eBay while I was sitting there. Seriously!