My Poor Phone

Well today unluckily someone thought it would be funny to call me during school so the teacher took my phone away.
my mother has to go to the school and get my phone and I have a few days in detention.

Attention anyone with phones in school, shut it off or lower the volume.:crazy:
I learned a lesson today.=)

Wow. What a stupid teacher. At our school if a phone rings, you just say pardon me and turn down the ringing. A bit more civil.
Or you just pick up the phone and talk if you think the teacher won’t see you. Well at some teachers, you can talk on the phone all you want.

well I got chirped you know boost mobile so yea that person said hi and it was very loud.
I tried to make it looks like it wasn’t my phone but I got caught anyway.

In college, you answer your phone and start a conversation and nobody cares.

Hate to side with the education administration on this one but I don’t think anyone should be answering a phone in class. How disruptive to the class and the poor teacher! Bad enough most students are there only because they are forced and have no desire to learn. Imagine you are a web designer and you are having a meeting with a client to determine what they want you to design. You have a busy day and hope to get this meeting done in an hour. Now imagine their phone keeps ringing and they keep putting you off to talk to their friend or their kid. How would you feel?

lol in my school the teachers phones ring too… and they dont really care if yours rings either. they just ask that you silence it next time :slight_smile:

but my jr. High was exactly like yours and confiscated anything that made noise :slight_smile:

we can have them as long as the teachers can’t see them or hear them.

Mine has rang several times in class. The first time I had my mom’s phone, mine was out of charge. The ringer was a very plain ring that sounded like the school phone. I got away with the teacher thinking it was the people in the other room.

Next week, phone rings again, its my phone. New complications, we’re in math and taking a math test. Super mario brothers ring goes off… hello mrs. principal. She takes it and keeps it till the end of the day when I’m like hey could I get my phone, thanks. She wasn’t too strict.

My phone has rang hundreds of times more, but those are the times when I forgot to put it on vibrate or silent :slight_smile: I always get scared when it starts vibrating in our quiet reading class. The vibrator is lOUDLOUDLIOOUDOUDhn dljf dlfjl;kj. Jingles with the keys, etc.


well I didn’t mean to have mine on and I had not intention of answering it.
I understand why not having phones on but my phone is usually off.

My freinds Razor rang once and its the kind that plays like the full song it was pretty funny. They take it away the second time till the end of class when they just give it back… although one of my friends got his tooken away and the teacher dialed some random number and just layed it down and continued talking till the end of class lol.

Just get a ring that is just one Ping those make it easy by the time someone hears it they just think its nothing.

It depends on the teacher at my school. In geometry, she’ll take it away and give it to the AP (like she’s supposed to do) and you can get it at the end of the day.

Most other teachers just tell you to turn it off, or laugh. :lol:

My friends school busts phones with a nail and hammer

^you arn’t serious those razors that people have are like 250 USD. This reminds me though my friend tried to hit someone with his razor and opened it up and threw it at someone it actually is very acurate and he dented the top of it.

pomogranate, are you serious?
in ousr school, they mind if it rings, but only ask you to put it in silent mode. but if it continues for like days, they confiscate. but never detention

Phones in school should be off, they just distract everyone if it goes off. I know most are sensible and mature and turn them off, butsome kids just use them as a way to entertain themselves through the lesson