Do You Know What Today Is?!


Favorite neighborhood serial killer!

*Originally posted by fester8542 *


<b>[SIZE=9]Happy birthay Jason Voorhees![/SIZE] </b>

oh yeah…so it is. so far nothing bad has…ARCHKSDF!


haha very funny! like THAT would really happe… ARCHKSDF!


Haha, you guys are just so funny :stuck_out_tongue: ! HahahARCHKSDF


Hahhaha this one cracked me up!
Well, after all Jason is just bulls…ARCHKSDF!


You guys are so stup…ARCHKSDF!


Wow, Freddy just haunted me in my i-was-killed-by-jason-dream… I guess he resurrected me so I could go watch Freddy Vs Jason!

My DOB Firday the 13th November 1981.

Oh my god! Maybe it’s the Kirupa-Jason hiding under WhipperSnappers bag, secretly planning his mass kirupaville murder.

Its about time they made this film…I cant wait…

Freddy is in big trouble.

Jason has a 120+ body count while freddy has a measily 40 (even)

Hell Myers has 77 to date.

I cant wait to see what things jason does to freddy.

I always been interested in Murder.

:evil: [SIZE=4]E.V.I.L.[/SIZE] :evil:

*Originally posted by fester8542 *

Its about time they made this film…I cant wait…

Freddy is in big trouble.

Jason has a 120+ body count while freddy has a measily 40 (even)

Hell Myers has 77 to date.

I cant wait to see what things jason does to freddy. **

hehehe, you know that jason is gonna get big timed owned by freddy right? This battle is gonna be so fukking wierd, I mean both guys are invincible, so even if Jason dreams about Freddy, he can’t get killed… the movie will probably end up with some new super-killing-invincible-guys murderer just so they can earn more money on todays youth :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by s-fx *
**hehehe, you know that jason is gonna get big timed owned by freddy right? This battle is gonna be so fukking wierd, I mean both guys are invincible, so even if Jason dreams about Freddy, he can’t get killed… the movie will probably end up with some new super-killing-invincible-guys murderer just so they can earn more money on todays youth :stuck_out_tongue: **

No way!

Freddy is doomed :beam:

I love the guy but jason is going to school him.

*Originally posted by s-fx *
so even if Jason dreams about Freddy…
i thought bad guys never sleep :stuck_out_tongue:

no no, that’s fish :stuck_out_tongue:

chhhhhh chhhhhhh cccchhhhhh chhhhhh
huhhhhh huhhhhh huhhhhh huhhhhh

this will put you to sleep


You know what, I was sort of excited about Jason vs Freddy, but I just know it’s going to be a corny *** f]ik8o7ik2]uokil

  • Jason :whistle: